Health & Medical Diabetes

A Healthy Living With Diabetes

Nobody likes to sit in a room and listen to a discussion for more than an hour but in this case you have to give me an opportunity to help you know what people suffering from Type 2 of diabetes feel and how we can help them.
Some think that by injecting themselves with insulin or taking pills will help them control their situation but the only thing they need to know is that they can get treated if only they can change what they put in their bodies.
What is Starch if we ask ourselves.
Is a complex (polysaccharide) which is made up of smaller units called glucose, which are adhere together by glycosidic bonds.
Its source is very natural, being produced by the relatively low organism, green plants.
In pure form, it is a white, odourless and tasteless substance composed of two molecules: amylose and amylopectin.
With amylopectin being the larger of the two by 80% to 20% in plants.
It constitutes more than half the carbohydrates even in affluent diets, and much more in poorer diets.
It is supplied by traditional staple foods such as cereals, roots and tubers.
Amylopectin is the outer portion of a starch granule consisting of insoluble, highly branched polysaccharides of high molecular weight.
When one takes in amylopectin which is very high in starch increases the blood sugar levels in the body and is the same as eating something that is sweet and sugary.
In another case study it has been found that when ones use of insulin is low and the blood sugar raises in support of the food one is taking contains amylose which in times is very rare it will come a time when foods with a high amylose will be produced with Type 2 diabetic people in their minds.
In giving recommendations we take step by step in ensuring that Type 2 of diabetes is not only the health hazard in question but also making sure one does not carelessly take any he or she comes across with which is edible.
With this people need to be on safe side of what they put in their mouths and taking vegetables in a low quantity.
That being the case there are only two types of naturally occurring foods which have a high quantity in amylose which will not affect the blood sugar level as much as taking sugar.
• Potatoes being the first -to them being filled with and having a lot of nutrients in their skins, they have a high quality of amylose in them.
• The second of them being the long grain rice which is he best of the two has a lower glycemic load because they have a higher amylose.
Since this study took place in the late 80's there has been time to go through the findings again and it has been found out that the same speed the starchy foods break down is also the same one as the sugary foods.
As one is enjoying taking any other food, they are advised to put in consideration starchy vegetables in their diets and live a longer and happy life.
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