Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy and Fertility - Recognising One Common Block To Your Fertility So You Can Become Pregnant

The trend in western society is that women postpone having children until after a career has been well established.
And then we are programmed into wanting to have the house, the resources and indeed the perfect scenario before we have a baby.
So for practically all of your child bearing life so far, it is quite possible that your relationship with your fertility has been one of keeping it in check...
hoping that it won't work...
or stopping it in its tracks.
Then all of a sudden, you want to become pregnant.
And you are waiting.
It is not happening.
And you ask why? Understanding One Possible Block to Your Fertility Since many, if not most, of your thoughts about pregnancy up to now have been laced with fear of some kind or another, perhaps it is not surprising that you are not pregnant.
Just because you feel intellectually ready, doesn't mean that you body is quite there yet.
Sure, it has the necessary components biologically and physiologically.
But remember, it may well be used hearing the mantra that pregnancy is something to avoid.
Even though you would now like to have a baby, it is quite possible that somewhere in the recesses of your mind some of these old ideas about pregnancy are still lurking.
Your unconscious mind is amazing.
It will do its best to help you create what you focus upon most.
If in the past your thoughts around pregnancy have been mainly on 'not becoming pregnant', your unconscious may still be playing that tune.
And the process of just stating that you are ready for pregnancy is not sufficient to untangle the old patterns of avoidance.
If your unconscious mind still holds the belief that pregnancy is not good, then part of you may well be trying to 'save' you from pregnancy.
Supporting Your Fertility It can be really useful to surface up what is going on in your mind in relation to your fertility.
One exercise is to put the title 'My Fertility' on the top of a page and to allow your pen to flow with whatever images, words and feelings spontaneously come up for you in relation to it.
This process not only sheds light on what might be blocking your fertility, it is also begins the process of releasing some of that clutter that you no longer need.
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