Health & Medical Diabetes

Are Blood Sugar Levels Higher After High Fat Meals Than High Carb Meals?

Sometimes it seems that fat is worse than sugar for managing your blood sugar levels.
The real problem, however, occurs when Type 2 diabetics eat meals that are high in both carbs and fat.
Type 2 diabetics have issues with insulin.
This hormone transports sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells, but it also transports fatty acids out of your bloodstream as well.
And when there is a lot of sugar in your bloodstream and a lot of fat in your bloodstream as well, insulin will be used to store fat first and sugar later.
That's why eating a meal that contains both a lot of fat and a lot of sugar (it's about the absolute amounts, not the percentages), will always raise your blood sugar levels.
So why not eat a big plate of bacon and eggs with no toast for breakfast, or maybe a steak seared in butter for lunch or dinner, just as long as you don't eat a lot of carbohydrate at the same time? There are some diets that encourage you to do exactly this.
The problem is this...
all those fatty acids rushing into your bloodstream after they are digested don't require a lot of insulin, but they do have a profound effect on your circulation.
For several hours after a high fat meal (again, it's not about the relative percentage of fat calories compared to the total calories in your meal, it's about the absolute amount of fat you actually eat), blood vessels all over your body constrict, and blood clotting factors in your bloodstream go up.
These are all your blood vessels...
the arteries that carry blood away from your heart, the capillaries which allows the exchange of water and chemicals between your blood and tissues, and veins which carry blood from your capillaries and back toward your heart.
All these vessels are tightened.
The situation is even worse, however, when you combine fat and carbohydrate, as when you eat a double cheeseburger with bacon and a basket of French fries, or you have scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles, syrup, and a bowl of fruit.
These meals don't just tighten your arteries, they are most definitely guaranteed to raise your blood sugar levels too.
But if you eat a modest amount of slow acting carbohydrate with a small, say 75 calorie amount of a healthy fat of plant origin, your body has the greatest opportunity to use carbs for energy and fats for anti-inflammatory hormones, rather than stuffing your belly fat with tremendous loads of free fatty acids.
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