I am happy to introduce you to my very special kitty, Kujo. I have had him for 2 years. Kujo is 7 years old and is solid black with the beautiful amber colored eyes. He is a domestic shorthair. Kujo originally belonged to a neighbor and when she moved she could not take Kujo with her and she was just going to dump him. (How terrible) I rescued him and brought him in to live with me and my little poodle, Joey.
Joey was not thrilled!
The Animal Care Society helped me with getting Kujo neutered, tattooed, and his shots. (I am on a small pension and could not have done this without their help.) His original owner was not a very responsible pet owner! It took Kujo several weeks to feel at home, and he would run and hide quite regularly, however he eventually adjusted and now he thinks he is the most important member of the family.
Kujo is a joy to have around. He has a very funny sense of humor and is quite curious about everything. He is constantly getting into things and "helps" me by unrolling my yarn when I am knitting and sitting in the middle of my project while I am trying to work on it. He sleeps on my pillow to keep it warm for me. Kujo helps me brush my teeth by sitting on the side of the sink and slapping at the water and the toothbrush. In the kitchen he "helps out" by opening all the lower cupboard doors and checking out the contents for me, but then forgets to close the doors when he is done.
Kujo lets me know when there are birds at the bird feeders by meowing and "chirping" while he is jumping at the window trying to get it open. The birds have figured out that he cannot get to them so they just watch him being silly.
Kujo takes his toys into every room in the house and leaves them in the middle of the floor just in case I might want to play. He holds the laundry down in the basket after I take it out of the dryer, just in case it might fall out. Kujo plays with Joey by sitting in a kitchen chair and slapping at him when he walks by. Wherever I am in the house and whatever I am doing, Kujo is right there with me.
I can not imagine my life without Kujo in it. He is one very special boy.
© Susan Hays
I'd say the irresponsible neighbor's loss was Susan and Kujo's gain, and their mutual love is evident in every word. Kujo also appears in the 2009 Black Cat Gallery. You may submit cat photos by following the Photo Submission Guidelines. Sorry, but I will be unable to publish your photos without all the requested information.
Joey was not thrilled!
The Animal Care Society helped me with getting Kujo neutered, tattooed, and his shots. (I am on a small pension and could not have done this without their help.) His original owner was not a very responsible pet owner! It took Kujo several weeks to feel at home, and he would run and hide quite regularly, however he eventually adjusted and now he thinks he is the most important member of the family.
Kujo is a joy to have around. He has a very funny sense of humor and is quite curious about everything. He is constantly getting into things and "helps" me by unrolling my yarn when I am knitting and sitting in the middle of my project while I am trying to work on it. He sleeps on my pillow to keep it warm for me. Kujo helps me brush my teeth by sitting on the side of the sink and slapping at the water and the toothbrush. In the kitchen he "helps out" by opening all the lower cupboard doors and checking out the contents for me, but then forgets to close the doors when he is done.
Kujo lets me know when there are birds at the bird feeders by meowing and "chirping" while he is jumping at the window trying to get it open. The birds have figured out that he cannot get to them so they just watch him being silly.
Kujo takes his toys into every room in the house and leaves them in the middle of the floor just in case I might want to play. He holds the laundry down in the basket after I take it out of the dryer, just in case it might fall out. Kujo plays with Joey by sitting in a kitchen chair and slapping at him when he walks by. Wherever I am in the house and whatever I am doing, Kujo is right there with me.
I can not imagine my life without Kujo in it. He is one very special boy.
© Susan Hays
I'd say the irresponsible neighbor's loss was Susan and Kujo's gain, and their mutual love is evident in every word. Kujo also appears in the 2009 Black Cat Gallery. You may submit cat photos by following the Photo Submission Guidelines. Sorry, but I will be unable to publish your photos without all the requested information.