Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

How To Deal With A Bad Mannered Man In Your Life

Hey loving girl, this is for you sweat heart. You might have noticed something about your man which makes you think of giving him a boot. The big question is, how do you you even approach it? To dump a bad mannered man does not simply involve the word go. It is more than that. Many are wasting time staying in sad relationship trying to solicit ways of dumping him. May be it is the striking resemblance between him and of your colleague's baby. May be you have noticed a change of behavior and you suspect he might be engaged elsewhere. Do not wait for more. Damp that Bad mannered man. Do not waste your time trying to win him back. Women have strong gut instincts and when your intuition tells you it is gone, act fast and first. Damp that bad mannered man. What would you rather do? Damp a bad mannered man or be dumped by him? Many will always go for the latter.

It is understandable why you are hesitating to do the damping. May be you have no evidence for your accusations or a clear reason as to why you should leave. The truth is hard to say since it does not work well with your man. Some things are better left unsaid. I know the last thing you want to do is to hurt his self esteem. I beg you sister do not say it plainly. If you can't handle his bad breath cook up a reason. He has invested so much in you and you are in a fix not knowing how to dump that bad mannered man. Do not sympathize with him explain your cause and leave immediately. Staying around might wobble your stand. Many have the habit of using cell phones, notes or even e-mail to pass the message. This shows you are not serious with your mission. A face to face conversation is the best course as much as it might be nerve wrecking. Men rarely believe hearsay and will want to hear it from the horses own mouth.

Now you can easily damp a bad mannered man because you do not have to deal with valentine blues. You are delaying the damping to enjoy the valentine. Worse still may be he did not meet the expectations on valentine day. If he did not respond to the only one day in a year he might let you down miserably in future. Women believe they can change their men. This is a big mistake and if you are not care full enough to damp that bad mannered man you might engage in marriage with the knowledge of his not so good behavior. I forgive you to think you can change him but men are resistant to change. This will lead to your disappointment. If you doubt his provision, do not go ahead. Damp that bad mannered man.

Many women tend to throw some hints here and there. Few men will get it. They are poor in reading the labels. In your attempt to pass the message he will take it as female behaviors. You might fall back soon. Attack that bad mannered man head on collision. Tell him or work out a more direct dumping plan. The delay might cost you more than expected.
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