- Not only will this allow you to stay healthy and get in shape, but you will be surrounded by people who live in your neighborhood. Take a fitness class offered at the gym. Get to class early and talk to the person next to you. Before long, you may be chatting over protein smoothies with your new workout buddies after class.
- Invite your neighbors for a barbecue if you would like to get to know them better. Ask them to bring a couple of friends with them. This gives you the opportunity to get to know many new people all at once. Your neighbors probably will be very receptive to this idea, because many people enjoy having the chance to socialize and getting out to make new friends.
- Professional organizations exist in most large to midsize cities. Look online, or on message boards in your office, to find one related to your career. People in professional organizations often gather for activities such as happy hours, charity work and sporting events. Even if you can't find one for your specific profession, you should find a general group for professionals in your age group.
- If you're a sports fan, get off the couch and onto an athletic field. Instead of watching sports on television, join an adult sports league. These leagues often have basketball, flag football, softball, dodge ball and bowling for adults to get together and play on a weekly basis. This is a great way to meet other people with interests similar to yours.
- Check a community bulletin board in a local coffee shop, grocery store or gym to see if any activities posted interest you. Information on street fairs, workshops, classes and even part-time jobs is posted in these places. If an activity sparks your interest, give it a try. You never know who you might meet.
Join a Gym
Host a Barbecue
Join a Professional Organization
Join a Sports League
Community Bulletin Board