- "Counter-Strike" and its incarnations, "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero" and "Counter-Strike: Source," have attracted prolific cheating through the use of hacks, which have become increasingly sophisticated. Some of the most common hacks, known as aimbots, greatly enhance your accuracy and deadliness in this first-person shooter.
- Enhanced Aim offers aimbot hacks for all versions of "Counter-Strike," including the original "Counter-Strike," "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero" and "Counter Strike: Source."
In addition to automatically aiming at the nearest target, all of the hacks are also able to automatically fire; aimbots for "Counter-Strike" and "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero" are designed for use with knives and also allow you to automatically target enemies through penetrable objects, which include certain walls, doors and crates. The "Counter Strike: Source" version can adjust for your target sidestepping or server lag and even target specific body parts.
All versions also include some way to make your aimbot more subtle in order to avoid detection by Valve Anti-Cheat, an anti-cheat solution, and thus keep you from getting banned for using an aimbot. All versions, for instance, allow you to limit your aimbot to a narrower field of view, while the "Counter-Strike" and "Counter-Strike: Source" versions allow you to smooth the speed with which aimbot locks onto your targets, thus simulating human reaction time. The "Counter-Strike: Source" version even provides your shot placement with a small amount of randomization in order to simulate human error. - Fkn0wned provides an aimbot for "Counter-Strike: Source" with most of the same functions as the aimbot by Enhanced Aim, including automatic aiming and shooting, smooth aiming, body part targeting and adjustments to field of view. However, Fkn0wned's aimbot also allows you to ignore people on the other team who are your friends on Steam, aim through penetrable objects and target the closest enemy, or the enemy with the lowest health, first.
- You'll also find numerous aimbot cheats for "Counter-Strike" and "Counter-Strike: Source" at Games.StefySoft.com. While most of these don't quite measure up to the aimbots provided by Enhanced Aim and Fkn0wned, they still have such desirable features as automatic aiming and shooting and smooth aiming. Some hacks, such as Scalen's V0.9, include features not found on the Enhanced Aim or Fkn0wned aimbots, including the ability to eliminate recoil and shot spread, meaning that all of your shots will land exactly where you, or your aimbot, have aimed them.
Enhanced Aim