Business & Finance Social Media

Make Money Online Using Your Squidoo Lens

If you are struggling to make money online using your basic website configuration then I've got something that I've personally found to work better.
As the internet has evolved we are now in the world of Web 2.
0 which involves unique online media such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and today's topic - Squidoo.
In my opinion, making money online using Squidoo is the easiest path to affiliate riches for one simple reason - Google LOVES Squidoo! Let me explain...
The first thing you need to understand is Squidoo itself.
Think of it as a blog on steroids.
By opening your free account you can instantly add photos, articles, message boards and more.
And, with the build in squidoo applications you can make money online using this service much easier than even a blog.
Now that we've explained this part let's get down to the nitty gritty.
Head on over to Squidoo.
com and create a free account.
Then, you need to create a "lens" which is squidoo's version of a webpage, blog, etc.
Now here's the important part, you need to name your lens one of the various keywords that people will search for when looking for your niche.
For instance, if golf is your niche then you should name your lens: "LearnToPlayGolf" But, if this is taken (and it probably is) you can achieve the same result by adding hyphens such as: "Learn-To-Play-Golf" Is that taken too? No problem.
Just add TWO hyphens between the words or any combination that will get your keywords in the title.
Google ignores the hyphens anyway so it doesn't matter.
If you are looking to make money online using squidoo then this is the first thing that you MUST do.
And, by the way, you should create multiple lenses based on several keywords that are important to your niche.
This will allow you to more easily make money using squidoo because you will get traffic from multiple searches.
Once you've created your lens you need to fill it with content.
And that content should be pertinent to your niche.
Again, if golf is your niche then fill your lens with articles about playing golf, shooting lower scores or putting better.
And, at pictures that of people playing or even the eBook or course you are trying to sell.
Within your articles are where you put your affiliate link back to the product you are promoting.
And, when people read your article and click on your link you are making money online! Congratulations! What's the key to making money online using squidoo? It's no different than other paths - the key is to drive AS MUCH TRAFFIC AS POSSIBLE to your lens.
And, that's why you need to ultimately try and build a lens per day for the next 30 days.
These will act as 30 "salespeople" who are helping you to make money online.
Pretty cool, huh? The good news about the internet is that there are hundreds of ways to make money online.
But, they are not all easy.
In fact, some of them are down right hard while others require work and patience.
Over the years I've found the top 52 ways to make money online and that is what I share with my students all around the world.
And, making money online with squidoo is just one of them.
Give it a shot and I think you'll be surprised how easy it is!
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