Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

What Does Fire 57 Mean?

    Systems, Vehicles and Facilities

    • The NFPA 57 code applies to the design, installation, operation and maintenance of liquefied natural gas (LNG) engine systems on any type of vehicle, as well as to their associated fueling facilities.

    Storage Facilities

    • Storage facilities that store LNG in ASME containers (i.e., those made to the standards of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers) of 70,000 gallons or less also fall under NFPA 57 regulations.


    • Vehicles that must comply with federal motor vehicle safety standards that cover the installation of LNG fuel systems and are certified by the manufacturer as meeting these standards do not have to comply with Chapter 4 of NFPA 57, except for section 4.12.8.


    • NFPA 57 was withdrawn in the NFPA's annual meeting in 2005. The code's LNG regulations are now incorporated into the NFPA 52, the Vehicular Gaseous Fuel Systems code.

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