In light of the coalition government's stated plans to save a total of £95 billion over 5 years through public sector cutbacks, Local Authorities across the UK are seeking signification service transformation.
With new budgets being set and the ensuing cuts on valuable community programmes taking their toll, the best option for many Local Authorities could be to focus on streamlining their service provision and reducing overall running costs across the board.
A Local Authority transformation could mean saving money without it coming at the expense of your community services or your local taxpayers.
Cutbacks in Local Authority service spending As of April 2011, some of the most significant spending cuts came into effect in the UK.
For many Local Authorities, these have had far reaching effects within the community.
According to a recent report administration spending has been scheduled to reduce by £3.
4 billion.
Adult Health and Social Care is due to see an overall cut of £1.
2 billion and Children's Services are to face a withdrawal of £819 million in government funding.
In light of changes like these, many Authorities will be asked to reach ever higher standards at even lower cost.
But that's where this type of transformation comes in.
A full review and reform of key services and running costs within councils and communities has the potential to make the inevitable budget-stretch in future months and years an easier task.
By sharing best practice and collating performance management evidence, a transformation for your Local Authority could save a significant amount of spending and safeguard otherwise targeted services within your community.
What to look for in transformation services Local Authority transformation can be outsourced or undertaken through an interim contract and could make all the difference in your sector.
But you have to make sure you're looking for all the right things, and not just a service that promises the standard.
Whether you choose to outsource your transformation or hire an interim expert, your chosen specialist should offer to work closely within your organisation to implement the changes you need.
They should also be prepared to train staff to undertake a revised and improved approach to service provision ongoing so that you can manage your own budgets.
Ideally, your transformation service provider should also be able to ensure that the changes you need take place with the minimal disruption to your daily service provision.
Your allowances for time and spend are yours to control and a Local Authority transformation consultant should also be able to respect that, working to your limitations and not imposing their own.
With new budgets being set and the ensuing cuts on valuable community programmes taking their toll, the best option for many Local Authorities could be to focus on streamlining their service provision and reducing overall running costs across the board.
A Local Authority transformation could mean saving money without it coming at the expense of your community services or your local taxpayers.
Cutbacks in Local Authority service spending As of April 2011, some of the most significant spending cuts came into effect in the UK.
For many Local Authorities, these have had far reaching effects within the community.
According to a recent report administration spending has been scheduled to reduce by £3.
4 billion.
Adult Health and Social Care is due to see an overall cut of £1.
2 billion and Children's Services are to face a withdrawal of £819 million in government funding.
In light of changes like these, many Authorities will be asked to reach ever higher standards at even lower cost.
But that's where this type of transformation comes in.
A full review and reform of key services and running costs within councils and communities has the potential to make the inevitable budget-stretch in future months and years an easier task.
By sharing best practice and collating performance management evidence, a transformation for your Local Authority could save a significant amount of spending and safeguard otherwise targeted services within your community.
What to look for in transformation services Local Authority transformation can be outsourced or undertaken through an interim contract and could make all the difference in your sector.
But you have to make sure you're looking for all the right things, and not just a service that promises the standard.
Whether you choose to outsource your transformation or hire an interim expert, your chosen specialist should offer to work closely within your organisation to implement the changes you need.
They should also be prepared to train staff to undertake a revised and improved approach to service provision ongoing so that you can manage your own budgets.
Ideally, your transformation service provider should also be able to ensure that the changes you need take place with the minimal disruption to your daily service provision.
Your allowances for time and spend are yours to control and a Local Authority transformation consultant should also be able to respect that, working to your limitations and not imposing their own.