Business & Finance Social Media

Networking on Facebook

One of the most popular social networks on the internet today is Facebook.
It currently has over 200 million subscribers and continues to grow in popularity.
Although I've only been on Facebook since January 2009, I've been able to do a lot of networking.
One of the best features about Facebook is being able to write on someone's wall.
Of course, you'll want to write things of value that are complimentary.
I also enjoy being able to post a comment to someone's wall that let's them know I was thinking about them.
Facebook allows you to share a more personal side of yourself.
However, if your there to network, don't post anything you wouldn't normally say to people you meet at networking events.
For example, I've noticed some people have included very personal things and have publicized their troubles.
Maybe they are looking for comfort but this may work against them when it comes to networking for their business.
If you keep your Facebook profile strictly to connect with old friends and family, go for it.
Your friends are there to support you through difficult times.
When you post things on your own wall, share things that you're working on in your business or what you find interesting.
Include links in your message and take them someplace outside of Facebook.
If you can show your personality through your text, this will help people warm up to you and want to get to know you better.
I love making people smile and engaging them in conversation.
I also take time to reply to other people's comments, even if it's short and sweet.
To effectively network on Facebook, you should show up regularly and post often.
Just like face to face networking, you need to be involved and interact with others.
When you comment on someone else's post you show that you're interested in them and what's happening in their world.
I also take time to view their pictures and comment on what I see.
People share their personal life which helps you to get to know each other.
Make sure to share yours too! Remember, people will always choose to do business with their friends first before seeking to do business with strangers!
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