- Two types of colonoscopy preparation are used by gastroenterologists. The most common preparation requires patients to stop eating nearly 48 hours before the procedure. Patients then ingest a strong over-the-counter laxative and drink a prescription bowel cleansing solution during the afternoon and evening before the colonoscopy. Some physicians prescribe a 32-pill regimen instead of the solution.
- The stringent preparation regimen is designed to clean the patient's bowels. This allows the gastroenterologist a clear view during the colonoscopy procedure. Failure to follow the prep instructions properly can cause problems with anesthesia administration and the physician's ability to diagnose colon and rectal issues.
- The laxative and bowel cleansing solution (or pills) cause harsh bowel movements in a short period of time. Side effects include bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and sleep loss. It is imperative to drink water or clear liquids along with the preparation materials to avoid dehydration. Patients are allowed no liquid in the eight-hour period immediately before the procedure.
- A study released by Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia states preparatory drugs administered on a same-day basis significantly cut down on side effects and work nearly as well as the 48-hour regimen. University doctors state the one-day colonoscopy prep significantly improves a patient's quality of life.
- Colonoscopy preparation is a difficult process. Patients who can't eat solid food the day before the procedure get very hungry. The liquid laxative carries harsh effects. Drinking up to a gallon of bowel cleansing solution is difficult. The solution causes nasty side effects. Lack of liquid and solid food for many hours makes the patient weak and irritable.
- Colonoscopy preparation is a difficult siege. However, completing the preparation process allows the physician to perform a vital screening process aimed at preventing colorectal cancer.
- Patients are instructed to stop taking medications including aspirin, Plavix and Coumadin for at least five days before the colonoscopy. Iron supplements are not allowed five days before the procedure. Patients must stop taking any other prescription medication at least 12 hours before the colonoscopy.
Patients' Perspective