Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Less Common Signs of Infertility

I've written elsewhere on the more common early signals that might indicate a fertility problem.
Here, I'd like to highlight some of the less common indicators.
Thyroid Conditions One common condition that appears to have some links with infertility is a thyroid problem (either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism).
You don't need to have all of these symptoms in order to have a thyroid problem, but here are some of the most common signs that you may have a thyroid condition: pain in your joints or tendonitis, neck enlargement or new discomfort with ties or sweaters that bind the neck, unusual hair loss or changes in skin, bowel problems including constipation and diarrhea (although constipation is more common), abnormal cholesterol levels, new and unexplained mood changes, new and unexplained weight changes, and excessive fatigue.
Male Hormone Imbalance While we know that male factor infertility accounts for about half of all fertility problems, few men are aware that they themselves may have hormone imbalances that contribute to infertility.
Signs of hormone imbalance to consider if you are a man and you are having trouble conceiving with your partner include the following: unexplained weight changes or mood changes, fatigue, bloating, unexplained loss of muscle tone, a loss of libido, problems urinating, skin conditions including acne, and breast enlargement.
FemaleHormonal Imbalance Sometimes women are acutely aware of their hormone status because of problems with the menstrual cycle or a diagnosis of PCOS.
However there are other symptoms that may suggest a hormone imbalance in a woman that are often overlooked.
These may include unexplained changes in mood, headaches, facial hair, low libido, lumpy breast tissue, discharge from nipples, night sweating, fatigue, and skin problems.
Conclusion It is easy to read a list of symptoms on an article on the web and jump to conclusions or self-diagnose.
That's not my intention here.
But, if you have been trying to get pregnant without success and also have some of the signs described below, it may be worth a conversation with your doctor.
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