- 1). Spread the weave poles three feet apart so that there is a channel between them for your dalmatian to run through, says the dog training website Carlson-Agility.com. Command him to sit or stay at one end of the poles, and walk to the other end. Call your dalmatian to you and throw a toy or a coveted object past you or between your legs so that he doesn't slow down when he comes near you. Practice this with your dalmatian for a few sessions to get him used to running close to the poles.
- 2). Move the poles closer to each other so they are about two feet apart and have your dalmatian run through the channel a few times. Once your dog is comfortable with that space, move them again so they are one foot apart. At this stage, your dalmatian will need to start weaving through the poles to get through; therefore, you should add guide wires to the pole apparatus, which help to keep your dalmatian inside the chute. Practice this until your dog completes the poles about 70 to 80 percent of the time.
- 3). Move the poles a few inches closer together. Practice a few sessions and gradually move the poles until they form a straight line, not moving the poles closer until your dalmatian is comfortable with each step.
- 4). Remove the guide wires when you feel your dalmatian can weave without them. Start with the wires that are in the middle, then remove the wires around the exit and entrance areas.