Are you concerned that your computer shutdown slow? It is not something uncommon.
It happens to many computer users who experience slow shutdown process when their computer gets a little old.
But you do not need to buy a new machine.
There are some easier steps you can take to increase the shutdown speed.
Our computing needs demand from us that our systems perform fast and do not bother us much.
That is only how we can be productive in our work.
For those who are heavy computer users a normal day begins with computer and ends on it too.
But not all of us experience happy ending.
As Shakespeare said, "All is well that ends well", our systems shall also end well when they are shutting down.
It happens a number of times when someone quits a system and it takes too long.
It really irritates when you have to go to some party and your machine keeps you intact due to its lazy shutdown.
Where to begin to deal with this issue? These are some important techniques you can apply to speed up your computer shutdown: Registry Adjustment For Speedy Windows Shutdown: Click Start > Press Run, write regedit.
You will see the Registry Editor Then go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop Below there will be a registry key named AutoEndTasks.
Select this key and press right click.
After this Click Modify and make the value to (1).
Then find below in the Registry Editor the registry key named WaitToKillAppTimeout and change its value to 1000.
Similarly change the value for HangAppTimeout registry key to 1000.
Apply the same procedure to the WaitToKillServiceTimeout key and change its value to 1000.
The move to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management When you select by moving down this key ClearPageFileOnShutdown, change its value to 0.
By applying these registry tweaks your Windows shutdown will speed up.
However, do not play with registry if you think you will not be able to do it easily.
It is important you create a backup of your registry before doing this.
If you do not know how to create back up of the registry you can alternatively use a Speed Up Software.
Note for Windows 7 users: Windows 7 registry structure varies as compared to Windows Vista and Windows XP.
Therefore, Windows 7 shutdown process can be made faster through a sophisticated Registry Edit Tool.
It happens to many computer users who experience slow shutdown process when their computer gets a little old.
But you do not need to buy a new machine.
There are some easier steps you can take to increase the shutdown speed.
Our computing needs demand from us that our systems perform fast and do not bother us much.
That is only how we can be productive in our work.
For those who are heavy computer users a normal day begins with computer and ends on it too.
But not all of us experience happy ending.
As Shakespeare said, "All is well that ends well", our systems shall also end well when they are shutting down.
It happens a number of times when someone quits a system and it takes too long.
It really irritates when you have to go to some party and your machine keeps you intact due to its lazy shutdown.
Where to begin to deal with this issue? These are some important techniques you can apply to speed up your computer shutdown: Registry Adjustment For Speedy Windows Shutdown: Click Start > Press Run, write regedit.
You will see the Registry Editor Then go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop Below there will be a registry key named AutoEndTasks.
Select this key and press right click.
After this Click Modify and make the value to (1).
Then find below in the Registry Editor the registry key named WaitToKillAppTimeout and change its value to 1000.
Similarly change the value for HangAppTimeout registry key to 1000.
Apply the same procedure to the WaitToKillServiceTimeout key and change its value to 1000.
The move to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management When you select by moving down this key ClearPageFileOnShutdown, change its value to 0.
By applying these registry tweaks your Windows shutdown will speed up.
However, do not play with registry if you think you will not be able to do it easily.
It is important you create a backup of your registry before doing this.
If you do not know how to create back up of the registry you can alternatively use a Speed Up Software.
Note for Windows 7 users: Windows 7 registry structure varies as compared to Windows Vista and Windows XP.
Therefore, Windows 7 shutdown process can be made faster through a sophisticated Registry Edit Tool.