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Fork Spear And Gold Titans Requirements In MapleStory

Welcome to Goldceo! This article that MapleStory Fork Spear and Gold Titans requirements that came from other website, hope you like it.

- Fork Spear Requirements -
LVL(MapleStory powerleveling) 15
STR 15
Type - Spear
Attack Speed Slow
Weapon Attack 33 - 41
Number of Upgrades Available 7
Dropped by - Slime 
Equipable for - Thief

- Gold(cheap maplestory mesos) Titans Requirements -
LVL 15
DEX 30
LUK 35
Type - Claw
Attack Speed Fast
Weapon Attack 12
Weapon Def. 2
Luk +2
Number of Upgrades Available 7
Equipable for - Thief

Thank you for reading, and we can offer you cheap MapleStory gold, so you can order it at any time.

Here is a fast leveling guide from level 1 to level 30 in Maplestory.

I will be giving a guide on how to get to level 1 to 30 within a week (unless you are TRULY lazy or only sell things on your character and don't like to get social... or you can buy Maplestory power leveling at our website).

people think it is long work and is frustrating, but once you get to level 30 its from tile one ALL again.

so lets get to it (This guide is not very long)

1-10: maple island quest and monsters (No duh, unless u decide to be a magician, then its untill level 8)

8/10-15: get to whatever place your job advancement is (magicians its 8 for you) get your job, and do your job quests. when in between (done your job quest for your level and not yet leveled) entertain yourself to what the common creature/monster your place has (perion- stumps, kerning-stumps again, lucky bowman have slimes, snails, orange mushrooms and magicians can have their slimes). But if you don't want to do that and get free potions, by all means go to henesys and get your nice 1600 exp.

15-20/23/25: Henesys Party Quest or stay were u are and train to your heats delight. thieves and i think bowmen should stop h p q at 20 and go kerning party quest, magician need to get stronger till 23 or maybe 20, still OK. BUT, warriors, well, youmust endure another 5 levels at henesys party quest, or your going to get those four colourful letters that spell miss alot when your fighting those alligator guys unless you have Dex equips or Dex scrolled equips.

20/23/25-30: Kerning Party Quest!!!!. yes, time to get your first 1mill if your not funded SELL YOUR SCROLLS!), but then it wouldn't be your 1st now, would it? OK. you can do this thing till your level 30 (what i did) but it will take a long time. or you can do the continuous daily grind of monsters like green mushrooms and Jr. wraiths at 25+, wouldn't recommend for ranged people because they are a bit fast and can come in mobs AND YOU DON'T HAVE A MOBBING MOVE UNLESS YOUR A PIRATE OR WARRIOR!!!! so yes.
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