Some of eBay Tips
Of course you got into eBay to have fun, right? Of course you did, but business is still business and if you want to stay in the eBay business then you are going to have to tighten up ship a little bit. I'm not talking about taking the fun out of your eBay business but rather treat it a little more customer friendly.
I don't care what an eBay business is selling, in order for it to become successful then it takes repetitive quality customer service combined with merchandise that people want to buy.
Ok, so you've got the product part down pat, but you are probably thinking "How can I provide fantastic customer service over the computer?" Well that is what we are going to talk about in today's article - conveying the image of success in your eBay business through your email, your ads, and your auctions.
Believe it or not your entire eBay business image rests in the way you communicate through your emails and your ads. It's the only thing that your prospective customers have to go on. That information tells your customers whether the eBay business is legitimate or if it is trying to hustle them. It tells them whether you have an eBay business that is trying to sneak away with hidden fees or if you are honest.
So what if you do not have the most outstanding products to sell. Why? Because good, clean, honest customer service conveyed through your auctions is what counts in the end. Sure you have to have the product they are looking for but what is going to separate your eBay business from the rest is the way you connect with the people whom are viewing your ads.
The first thing that you have to consider with your eBay business is that most everyone who is shopping and bidding on eBay views all sellers as individual people as opposed to a 'business'. Yes I realize that there are indeed many businesses that sell on eBay but even still, that is the psychological perception of the shopper.
So what does this have to do with you and your eBay business? Well taking this information into account should tell you that you need to play off of the "home seller" image as much as possible with your eBay business. People like to support other people whom are trying to make a living. Even though your eBay business is actually a business, do not display that image. Rather, come off as an individual working hard trying to make a living on his or her own with a small eBay business.
I have a question for you; what is the very first thing that the buyer sees after clicking on the title of your auction?
They scroll down through the description! That my friend, is where your eBay business either fails or succeeds. And below I'm going to share with you a few nifty trade secrets that will explode your eBay business sales into new horizons when you implement them into writing your eBay business auction.
For starters make sure that your description is not full of pointless dribble. Nobody likes to finally find a title of a product they want, click on the eBay business link, and then get slammed in the face with page after page after page of verbiage that puts them to sleep. Keep it short but concise! Your eBay business is counting on it.
Write a true description. Do not fluff it with unnecessary wordage and sentences. List down everything you know about your item, all of the facts, every valuable point. Try to imagine any questions that your customer might have and answer them in the description. People want to know everything they can before contacting your eBay business. So take care of them!
Be nice. Yes, be nice, be friendly, be easygoing in your auction description. Shoppers want to feel relaxed and trusting of your auction style. Write your information as if you were exchanging a conversation with your prospects. Let your eBay business show that you can communicate with literally anyone.
Take advantage of the "My eBay page". Every eBay business has the chance to put friendly personality to their profile to show their customers that they are people too who care about them. Shine through by keeping this page updated. Your eBay business will thank you for it in the long run.
Who likes too many rules? You know what I mean! Do you like it when you see an eBay business list down a ton of rules and regulations in their auction? I certainly don't and in fact it turns me off to any eBay business that seems so uptight. Of course you have to have rules but keep it light. Don't come off so firm.
Last but not least keep your typeface size to an average size. There are many different people viewing your eBay business and some people may still be looking from an 800600 display so be careful not to design your auctions higher like 1024768 or else you just might be causing someone to click off of your eBay business auction due to the need to scroll and scroll to find the details.
If you need more of eBay tips and technic, you can find it on TOM BARNES eBook. TOM BARNES is an eBay experience seller with 13 years selling on eBay. Not to mention he is currently a millionaire. Check review of his eBook at my blog
Of course you got into eBay to have fun, right? Of course you did, but business is still business and if you want to stay in the eBay business then you are going to have to tighten up ship a little bit. I'm not talking about taking the fun out of your eBay business but rather treat it a little more customer friendly.
I don't care what an eBay business is selling, in order for it to become successful then it takes repetitive quality customer service combined with merchandise that people want to buy.
Ok, so you've got the product part down pat, but you are probably thinking "How can I provide fantastic customer service over the computer?" Well that is what we are going to talk about in today's article - conveying the image of success in your eBay business through your email, your ads, and your auctions.
Believe it or not your entire eBay business image rests in the way you communicate through your emails and your ads. It's the only thing that your prospective customers have to go on. That information tells your customers whether the eBay business is legitimate or if it is trying to hustle them. It tells them whether you have an eBay business that is trying to sneak away with hidden fees or if you are honest.
So what if you do not have the most outstanding products to sell. Why? Because good, clean, honest customer service conveyed through your auctions is what counts in the end. Sure you have to have the product they are looking for but what is going to separate your eBay business from the rest is the way you connect with the people whom are viewing your ads.
The first thing that you have to consider with your eBay business is that most everyone who is shopping and bidding on eBay views all sellers as individual people as opposed to a 'business'. Yes I realize that there are indeed many businesses that sell on eBay but even still, that is the psychological perception of the shopper.
So what does this have to do with you and your eBay business? Well taking this information into account should tell you that you need to play off of the "home seller" image as much as possible with your eBay business. People like to support other people whom are trying to make a living. Even though your eBay business is actually a business, do not display that image. Rather, come off as an individual working hard trying to make a living on his or her own with a small eBay business.
I have a question for you; what is the very first thing that the buyer sees after clicking on the title of your auction?
They scroll down through the description! That my friend, is where your eBay business either fails or succeeds. And below I'm going to share with you a few nifty trade secrets that will explode your eBay business sales into new horizons when you implement them into writing your eBay business auction.
For starters make sure that your description is not full of pointless dribble. Nobody likes to finally find a title of a product they want, click on the eBay business link, and then get slammed in the face with page after page after page of verbiage that puts them to sleep. Keep it short but concise! Your eBay business is counting on it.
Write a true description. Do not fluff it with unnecessary wordage and sentences. List down everything you know about your item, all of the facts, every valuable point. Try to imagine any questions that your customer might have and answer them in the description. People want to know everything they can before contacting your eBay business. So take care of them!
Be nice. Yes, be nice, be friendly, be easygoing in your auction description. Shoppers want to feel relaxed and trusting of your auction style. Write your information as if you were exchanging a conversation with your prospects. Let your eBay business show that you can communicate with literally anyone.
Take advantage of the "My eBay page". Every eBay business has the chance to put friendly personality to their profile to show their customers that they are people too who care about them. Shine through by keeping this page updated. Your eBay business will thank you for it in the long run.
Who likes too many rules? You know what I mean! Do you like it when you see an eBay business list down a ton of rules and regulations in their auction? I certainly don't and in fact it turns me off to any eBay business that seems so uptight. Of course you have to have rules but keep it light. Don't come off so firm.
Last but not least keep your typeface size to an average size. There are many different people viewing your eBay business and some people may still be looking from an 800600 display so be careful not to design your auctions higher like 1024768 or else you just might be causing someone to click off of your eBay business auction due to the need to scroll and scroll to find the details.
If you need more of eBay tips and technic, you can find it on TOM BARNES eBook. TOM BARNES is an eBay experience seller with 13 years selling on eBay. Not to mention he is currently a millionaire. Check review of his eBook at my blog