A lot of people especially young people complain about acne and how its affect their life some says that this skin disease is genetic disease, other say its because the food, or allergy, bacteria, inflammation, health, tanning, environment affect the appearance of acne, is it true that your diet have nothing to do with acne, there is a connection between diet and acne? so why your acne condition get worse when you consume certain food, the right diet will help you to get rid of acne.
So what causes acne?
Well the hormones that cause physical maturation also cause this common disease, hormonal changes lead to acne, like pregnancy for example, There is also a skin bacteria that can cause inflammation this is the process by which blackhead are formed.
There is studies shows that stress cause acne, this thing or feeling that make you upset and balance in some way represent a danger for your health, beside this its leads you to have memory problems and concentration, and continuous exposure to hot and humid environment causes acne.
To clear your skin you could wash your face several times a day but its will not give you very good results, womens hide their acne with cosmetics products (makeup palettes) its a solution but you will not get rid of it, acne medications will help to.
acne medication and treatment :
Your treatment will depend on the type of acne you have, the commons solutions are reducing the amount of skin oil, antibiotics to kill bacteria and some medications that reduces t he effects of hormones in producing acne, a combination of medicines could be the best solution, there is medication choices that depends on wether inflammation or bacteria are present, if you have comedonal acne topical creams and lotions will be the deal for you.
Finding the right treatment for this skin disorder is difficult, a lot of skin-care products that claim to treat acne, the good news is that you can make your homemade acne masks:
-The first one is easy all you need is salt and some water put them together for around 25 minutes and apply the mask and leave it at maximum for half hour, Salt cleans the skin and dries acne spots it helps you to get rid of acne scars
- Egg mask : a simple homemade acne mask, take only egg whites whip the white, you could add some lemon juice and mix it if you have oily skin and apply your mask for 15 minutes
So what causes acne?
Well the hormones that cause physical maturation also cause this common disease, hormonal changes lead to acne, like pregnancy for example, There is also a skin bacteria that can cause inflammation this is the process by which blackhead are formed.
There is studies shows that stress cause acne, this thing or feeling that make you upset and balance in some way represent a danger for your health, beside this its leads you to have memory problems and concentration, and continuous exposure to hot and humid environment causes acne.
To clear your skin you could wash your face several times a day but its will not give you very good results, womens hide their acne with cosmetics products (makeup palettes) its a solution but you will not get rid of it, acne medications will help to.
acne medication and treatment :
Your treatment will depend on the type of acne you have, the commons solutions are reducing the amount of skin oil, antibiotics to kill bacteria and some medications that reduces t he effects of hormones in producing acne, a combination of medicines could be the best solution, there is medication choices that depends on wether inflammation or bacteria are present, if you have comedonal acne topical creams and lotions will be the deal for you.
Finding the right treatment for this skin disorder is difficult, a lot of skin-care products that claim to treat acne, the good news is that you can make your homemade acne masks:
-The first one is easy all you need is salt and some water put them together for around 25 minutes and apply the mask and leave it at maximum for half hour, Salt cleans the skin and dries acne spots it helps you to get rid of acne scars
- Egg mask : a simple homemade acne mask, take only egg whites whip the white, you could add some lemon juice and mix it if you have oily skin and apply your mask for 15 minutes