Family & Relationships Weddings

Put a Twist on Your Wedding Guest Book, Go Digital

Wedding planning starts right after the formal wedding announcement.
It comprises preparation for invitations, souvenirs, guests list, wedding entourage, food, and many others.
More often than not, wedding guest book is not given much attention.
It is bought in book stores and gift shops ready for use and presented to invited people without much fanfare.
If you do wish to be different, then it is high time that you make a twist to your wedding guest book.
How? Go digital.
In this time of technological advancement, a digitized guest book is surely a perfect 'twist'.
Without any doubt, your guests will become amaze and will feel the importance of their presence once they see how you put too much time and effort just for this wedding guest book.
This may add 'wedding workload', though because you will need to hire two people here: one who will hold the digital camera and take a solo picture of each guest, and one who will operate the laptop computer and assist people as they write and sign their well wishes for the bride and groom through the pen tablet.
This e-wedding guest book will also require layout, creation of a video presentation through Power Point, and, lastly, saving on CDs to give out to friends and relatives.
In addition, this will necessitate printing and binding if you want a hard copy to keep and show to house guests.
Another thing, this may create a long line during the wedding reception because it is not easy to request each guest to smile for the picture and write short notes for the bride and groom.
Also, the photographer has to make sure that he is taking a full body shot of each guest.
This full body shot will remind the bride and groom how people prepared for their wedding through their evening gowns and tuxedo, and hair do.
Right after the wedding, ask a friend or hire a graphic artist to layout a page for each guest's picture together with his or her corresponding wedding greeting.
Have all the pages printed and then look for a company that offers book binding services.
In this way, you will be able to keep them, without any chance of losing a single page.
More importantly, if you know how to create a video presentation using the Power Point, do it on your own.
This will become the digitized guest book.
If you wish to give copies of this guest book to friends and relatives, you may save them in CDs.
For a more creative presentation, create a CD label.
Choose your best wedding picture in the label.
Do not forget to write your and your groom's name, date, and the name of the church where the wedding was held.
With your digitized guest book, you will realize that wedding guest book can also add beauty to your wedding.
So, why not try this suggestion? Your wedding guests will truly feel that their presence is appreciated.
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