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Danger of Believing in a Pre-Trib Rapture

Many believe Jesus will take them before anti-Christ arrives. This end time scenario is not Scriptural. It is based upon mere speculation and not actual Scripture. It is based upon the fact that the word "Church is no longer used in Revelation after the fourth chapter.

This however is mere speculation and flies in the face of actual revealed truth which Jesus Himself revealed in Matthew 24 which was His longest discourse on end time events. The reason the word Church is no longer mentioned after the fourth chapter of Revelation is not because the church has been mysteriously wisked away by Jesus.

The reason why the word Church is no longer used, is because the word Church means "The called out ones." But Jesus clarifies that "Many are called yet few are chosen." Paul the Apostle writes that it is expedient that we make our Election not our calling sure.

Those who were led out of Egypt were called out of Egypt. Yet most of them were not saved. God destroyed most of them with various plagues. He was not well pleased with them. It is one thing to be called out, and another to be actually chosen.

What is the difference you might ask? Let me put this in a way that one might easily understand the difference. Jesus called out all the apostles. Yet Judas was not saved. He performed all the same miracles the apostles performed using Jesus' name.

If it is possible for an apostle to be so close and yet miss the kingdom of heaven, don't you think it is possible for those in lesser positions might also miss the mark?

The Church is comprised of many people yes. However, they have been called out by God not because they are all saved. Like the Hebrews called out of Egypt, they have been called out to create a nation by God.

But when we read Scripture correctly, we see that God was displeased with most of them. So then why call them out in the first place? Because any nation must be built by many people. Each one has a job to do.

This however, does not mean they are actually saved. It merely means that they have been sanctified. Sanctification is not salvation. Salvation means totally saved. Sanctification means set apart for a given task.

The Scripture which comes to mind, is when a husband or wife has an unbelieving spouse. God tells them not to divorce them. He states that the unbelieving spouse is sanctified lest the children should be bastards. In other words, have no chance at salvation.

So we see that God will use non saved people to accomplish His overall task which He is doing. This is why the word Church is no longer used in Revelation after the fourth chapter.

Once God has given His warnings to the seven Churches "Called out ones not saved ones," He then begins to show what will happen to His actual elected children and how they will suffer due to their lack of love for God.

The tribulation comes upon man because of the laxness of God's children. God puts it this way: "Ephraim is a half turned cake." Ephraim is the spiritual name of the true elect. God says, "Ephraim is my firstborn."

Now we know from Genesis that Ephraim was not the first born twin. Manasseh was the first born twin. So why then does God declare that Ephraim is His firstborn?

He says this because the name Ephraim is Jesus' resurrected name. Jesus was God's firstborn from the dead. So if the Church married Jesus on the cross becoming His bride, we took on His new name upon His resurrection.

Prophecies concerning God's displeasure with Ephraim in the Old Testament are NOT speaking of the tribe of Ephraim. They are speaking of Jesus' bride! When we look at those prophecies, we find that they deal with how God will deal with Ephraim in the last days.

These prophesies speak of the time of the tribulation! The true Church will be purified and become spotless and blemishless through the fiery trial of the tribulation. Okay, so you want proof.

Matthew 24 tells us that the apostles asked Jesus what the sign of His coming would be. First of all you must realize that the apostles had no idea that Jesus had to die and resurrect. Since this is the case, it is impossible for them to have asked this question on their own.

They did not know He was going away. Okay, yes He told them of His crucifiction. But each time He told them, the Scriptures are clear that they understood not what He was talking about and it was hid from them (by God).

Even after Jesus resurrects, the Scriptures point out while John believes that Jesus has resurrected, he still did not understand that Jesus had to die and resurrect. Since this is the case, why would he or any of the other apostles even bother to ask when He was returning?

The answer if you can receive it, it that they had no reason to ask for the sign of His return since they did not even know He was going away. No, it was the Holy Spirit who put this question into the mouths of the apostles.

The reason why the Holy Spirit had the apostles ask this question about the sign of Jesus' return, was so that the end time saints could understand once and for all that there is a specific sign which MUST occur before Jesus can return.

Jesus called this sign in Matthew 24:29-31 "The sign of the Son of Man." But just what this sign is, is not explained in Matthew 24. It is explained in other Scriptures. Jesus' words in Matthew 24 were a direct quotation of Isaiah 13.

Isaiah 13 tells us that a nuclear war will occur between the Medes (present day Kurds) and Babylon (present day Iraq). Isaiah 13:12-13 explains the results of this war. The earth SHALL MOVE OUT OF HER PLACE!

This is what Jesus called the sign of the Son of Man in Matthew 24. Both Isaiah 13 and Matthew 24 speak of the sun, moon, and stars growing dark. Okay, Jesus says the stars fall to earth. However, this is exactly what it would look like to the inhabitants of the earth as the earth moved out of its orbit from around the sun.

It would appear as if the stars were falling! But it would actually be the earth moving out of orbit as prophesied by Isaiah 13:12-13. The earth moves out of orbit into a place of complete darkness.

This lasts for three days. These days of darkness are symbolic of the time that Jesus (the light of the world) went missing as He lay in the grave! This is what Jesus was telling His followers to look for just before He returned.

This sign is throughout the Scriptures. It first occurs in Genesis 1. Notice that the sun, moon, and stars are not placed into the heavens until the fourth day. They are placed there according to Scripture to "Light the earth."

The reason they are necessary, is because when God said, "Let there be light," He also tells us that He seperated the light from the darkness. He did not permit the light to enter into the darkness which was upon the earth. This is why Scripture tells us the "DARKNESS," was upon the face of the deep (SPACE).

This darkness lasted three days until God placed the sun, moon, and stars to light the earth. This is the first time the sign of the Son of Man is revealed in Scripture!

It is shown again in Genesis 15 as God makes a covenant (pact) with Abram. A horrible darkness falls upon Abram as this covenant is being made. But why? Because God is showing Abram the sign of the Son of Man during this contract! Three days of darkness were upon Abram.

How do I know this? Because it is on the anniversary of this contract that God returns to deliver the Hebrews out of bondage to Egypt. The ninth plague is a plague of "DARKNESS," which lasts for "THREE DAYS!"

This pattern is in many places in Scripture including the New Testament! When Paul is converted on the road to Damascus, he goes blind for THREE DAYS according to the Scriptures. Why?

God is showing Paul the same sign He showed Abram during the covenant He made with him. Paul goes through THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS. These three days are symbolic of the time that Jesus (the light of the world) went missing as He lay in the grave!

This sign MUST occur before the rapture according to Jesus' words in Matthew 24:29-31. It happens immediately AFTER the TRIBULATION according to Jesus' words. I ask you to stop listening to man and start listening to Jesus!

What difference does it make you ask? A world of difference. Jesus warned about those who would say, "Behold He is in the desert; behold He is in the inner chambers." These words are not spoken by human beings!

They are spoken by devils who will arrive telling people it is time to go to meet Jesus. But Jesus warns us not to go with them! These devils did the same thing in Genesis chapter Six. They took for themselve wives as many as they chose!

By not listening to Jesus' words in Matthew 24:29-31, you will set yourself up to be taken in what Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24; A FALSE RAPTURE perpetrated by Satan!

Satan will use UFOs to counterfeit the rapture promised by Jesus! He will try to deceive those who have misunderstood Jesus' words in Matthew 24 believing that there is no specific sign which must occur before Jesus can return.

This is the reason why the Holy Spirit made the apostles ask for the one and only sure sign of Jesus' return. Jesus wanted the elect to know exactly what sign they had to look for just before the trumpet was blown for the angels to collect the elect.

The Holy Spirit does not deceive. If this question was put into the mouths of the apostles by the Holy Spirit, it is because there is an answer to the question. There is a definite sign of Jesus' one and only coming. The question is NOT in the plural. If there were to be two comings of Jesus as is being taught by today's leaders, the question would be in the plural. "What will be the signs of your comings?" But this is NOT the case.

The question is in the singular because there are NOT two comings of Jesus! He is not coming first for the Church and then again for Israel. He only mentions ONE sign and ONE coming in Matthew 24:29-31.

Once again. For your own sakes! Stop listening to man and start listening to Jesus!

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