For the millions who suffer from psoriasis, treatment is crucial for dealing with the physical symptoms.
Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition: in addition to the pain, itching and limited joint motion it causes, psoriasis inflicts a great deal of emotional pain as well.
The visible effects of this skin disorder include scaly skin, lesions and rednessthat can interfere with emotional well-being and affect an individual's quality of life.
There really is no cure, but psoriasis treatment, therapy and other approaches are available that are aggressive and effective in treating the symptoms.
The results and effects of these treatments vary for everyone, but here are just a few:
Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition: in addition to the pain, itching and limited joint motion it causes, psoriasis inflicts a great deal of emotional pain as well.
The visible effects of this skin disorder include scaly skin, lesions and rednessthat can interfere with emotional well-being and affect an individual's quality of life.
There really is no cure, but psoriasis treatment, therapy and other approaches are available that are aggressive and effective in treating the symptoms.
The results and effects of these treatments vary for everyone, but here are just a few:
- Oral: For patients who have severe psoriasis or who do not respond to the topical treatments, there are several oral medications - also known as systemic medications -that have been found to be effective: - Methotrexate: Originally an anticancer drug, this medication works by blocking the growth of skin cells.
- Topical: Topical treatments are medications applied directly to the skin, such as a cream or ointment.
There are some topicals that can be found right in your local drug store, including Salicyclic acid and coal tar.
There are several highly effective prescription treatments that utilize Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and steroids. - Phototherapy: Phototherapy treatments involve exposing the affected skin to ultraviolet light, and are reliable and effective treatments for psoriasis.
Treatment regimens must be monitored by a physician, either in a doctor's office or clinic.
Because consistency is extremely important when using phototherapy for psoriasis treatments, many people have opted to install a home phototherapy unit.
With a doctor's prescription, a quality home phototherapy unit can be purchased and easily introduced right into the home.
- Cyclosporine: This medication suppresses the immune system and is an anti-rejection drug used for patients undergoing organ transplants - Soriatane: This is a medication that is known as an oral retinoid, a group of drugs related to Vitamin A which reduce the proliferation of skin cells for severe psoriasis.
(This medication causes birth defects if taken during pregnancy, and can also cause eye and lip inflammation, bone spurs and hair loss)