Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Stop Snoring Remedy - Why Snoring is a Common Problem

There is a chance that you snore in your sleep and do not even realize it.
After all, just about everyone does it occasionally, even a baby.
Nevertheless, if you have a spouse or roommate, and you snore, then there is a good possibility that you have already been told about it.
This may be a sign of a serious health problem or it may be something that is easily corrected.
It does, however, cause tension between couples as well as siblings so it would be advisable to check out a stop snoring remedy.
Snoring is caused by one of several things: passageway blockage that causes an irregular airflow, a mis-positioned jaw, fat that gathers in and around your throat, nasal passageway obstruction, drinking alcohol, obesity, smoking and drugs.
Because you may be a snorer, the quality and quantity of your sleep is affected and you find yourself being irritable, having increased daytime fatigue and even increased health problems.
Have you thought of trying a stop snoring remedy yet? There are several treatment options available that will be able to clear whatever blockage you may have in your breathing passageway.
They range from the following: such over-the-counter aid as nose clips, lubricating sprays, nasal strips, "anti-snore" clothing and pillows.
There are a variety of dental appliances available that have been made so that they advance the lower jaw slightly thereby pulling the tongue forward.
There are many of these appliances available on the Internet.
Another solution to snoring is that if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may be required to use either a Bi-pap or C-pap machine that forces air down your windpipe so that snoring stops.
If the problem is really severe, there is the option of having surgery.
Even with the above treatments, you may find that they are either too much trouble or too expensive.
Besides, there are natural methods you can try to help you stop snoring.
You can try one stop snoring remedy first to see if that takes care of the problem.
Here are some natural things you can incorporate into your life to see if they will be a help to stop you from snoring: 1.
Weight loss.
You now know that too much weight on your neck and chest will cause undue pressure on your muscles to create snoring.
Therefore, try to lose some weight by dieting.
Change your sleeping position.
Sleeping on ones back commonly causes snoring.
Therefore, it would be helpful if you could sleep on your side or stomach.
Reposition your head by elevating it on some pillows.
It may not only help you breathe easier but it may help your tongue and jaw by helping them move forward.
Perhaps your lifestyle must be changed.
Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
Smoking can restrict your air passages and alcohol will relax your throat muscles.
Therefore, do not drink before you go to bed.
Get into regular sleep patterns.
Set up a special bedtime routine and then stick to it.
For example, start sleeping at the same time each night.
Breathe through your nose.
This is easier said than done because many of us naturally tend to be mouth breathers.
If you can train yourself to use this stop snoring remedy, then it will reduce or eliminate your snoring.
Practice meditation and yoga.
These activities will help you relax and improve breathing techniques.
There are also helpful but unconventional treatments such as playing a brass instrument or singing.
These activities will not only exercise your lungs but will strengthen your throat to lessen or eliminate your snoring.
Don't worry, try a stop snoring remedy today!
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