- 1). Open Photoshop and the image you want to crop by selecting "File," then "Open" from the application menu.
- 2). Select the "Elliptical Marquee Tool," nested with the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" in the Tools Panel.
- 3). Click and drag on the area of your image that you want your crop to apply to. You can move your marquee by clicking and dragging within its border after you draw it.
- 4). Select "Select," then "Inverse" from the application menu to make a selection of the area outside of your marquee. Press the "backspace" key. The area of the image within your elliptical marquee is all that remains.
- 5). Select "File, then "Save As" and make sure to create a new name for your cropped image, thus maintaining your original image as well. Select a save location and click "Save."