Insurance Health Insurance

She"s As Healthy As a Horse!

Please think about this: Why is the price tag for a "healthy-as-a-horse 23 year old" looming between $2400 to $3500 as predicted by The Congressional "Buggie" Office? It is not an actuarially justified determination based on her likely outcomes of injury or illness, i.
, insurance for her.
She is someone who sees no reason to go to a doctor, and in fact she has not gone to a doctor since a required physical to play sports in high school, and she does not in turn go to see a doctor until she needs a blood test to get married at age 29.
Let's say she sees a doctor once for strep throat in this eight year period.
Health insurance rates are not being based on likely payouts for similar pools of risk.
Premiums are simply being determined to cover how much was spent last year or the last revenue cycle.
The averages of 4 doctors visits per every American (NCHS -- National Center for Health Statistics), and $7,439 per capita spending for healthcare (OACT -- Office of the Actuary (Social Security).
) are just that: divide the use of service by the population.
Did your family of four take time off from work and reality to see the doctor 16 times last year?? What I want everyone to think about and realize, is that we're being bamboozled.
There is no insurance -- no health insurance -- today.
What we currently have is a system of universal payment only.
We, and mostly usually, your employer is simply being dunned for last year's healthcare account receivable.
Finally consider this.
If she, our fictitious healthy-as-a-horse example, and all her friends, and perhaps now you, with your family of four, are paying thousands of dollars for doctor services, are you not going to want and therefore utilize your $3500/$7439 per person per year stipend of services? The answer is of course we all will.
So what is now an untenable, unfundable, out-of-control system only gets worse.
We can afford healthcare in this country.
We can give it to everyone.
And we can do it, for half what we currently spend.
Your representatives, health insurers, and malpractice attorneys won't tell you this; perhaps they don't know how...
The other half of the money - $1.
2 trillion dollars - we (http://www.
) would continue to collect for four to five years and use it to help pay down the debt.
Imagine what the following would do for this country.
Providing healthcare to those who have none or inadequate coverage is equivalent to giving them a raise in pay of as much as 15%.
Cutting the cost of business-provided healthcare benefits by half, would amount to app.
a seven percent gain in profitability for those companies; freeing them to expand the business or increase salaries.
And righting the direction of this country's debt, would set us on a path for a positive next century for our children rather than the plague we are leaving them now.
If we don't do this now, we will do it later -- at greater financial and emotional cost.
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