You may receive different Windows Messenger errors while running this application on your system.
What could be the reasons behind these errors? Normally such errors appear due to Internet Connection, Improper LAN settings, Virus and improper internal Windows settings.
However, there is a solution to every problem.
For instance, for many problems you need to fix Windows registry which is found the root cause behind messenger errors.
Check Your Internet connection: If you are not connected to Internet then certainly you won't be able login to your messenger and may receive Messenger Errors.
If you have connection problem then talk to your Internet Service Provider regarding this problem.
Unplug and restart your router device to make sure problem is not at your end before contacting customer support for error resolution.
Reinstall Windows Messenger: Another reason behind the Messenger errors could be incorrect installation of Messenger.
To fix this problem, you need to reinstall Windows messenger.
Here are steps: Click on Start button and go to Control Panel.
Double click on Add or Remove Programs.
Select Windows Messenger or Windows Live Messenger.
Click on Remove button to uninstall it.
Follow on screen instructions.
Close control panel Window.
After removing Windows messenger form your system, you should now try to download messenger again and install it on your PC.
Scan System for Viruses: Hidden viruses inside your PC can be a cause behind Windows Messenger errors.
This happens on those systems where security program is weak.
You should uninstall your Antivirus and download and install a reliable antivirus program on your system.
Scan your system with antivirus and fix errors.
Fix Windows Registry: Registry is database where operating system stores information related to all installed applications and hardware configurations.
If there is corruption in this part then not only you would receive Windows messenger errors but you may loose your important data.
What could be the reasons behind these errors? Normally such errors appear due to Internet Connection, Improper LAN settings, Virus and improper internal Windows settings.
However, there is a solution to every problem.
For instance, for many problems you need to fix Windows registry which is found the root cause behind messenger errors.
Check Your Internet connection: If you are not connected to Internet then certainly you won't be able login to your messenger and may receive Messenger Errors.
If you have connection problem then talk to your Internet Service Provider regarding this problem.
Unplug and restart your router device to make sure problem is not at your end before contacting customer support for error resolution.
Reinstall Windows Messenger: Another reason behind the Messenger errors could be incorrect installation of Messenger.
To fix this problem, you need to reinstall Windows messenger.
Here are steps: Click on Start button and go to Control Panel.
Double click on Add or Remove Programs.
Select Windows Messenger or Windows Live Messenger.
Click on Remove button to uninstall it.
Follow on screen instructions.
Close control panel Window.
After removing Windows messenger form your system, you should now try to download messenger again and install it on your PC.
Scan System for Viruses: Hidden viruses inside your PC can be a cause behind Windows Messenger errors.
This happens on those systems where security program is weak.
You should uninstall your Antivirus and download and install a reliable antivirus program on your system.
Scan your system with antivirus and fix errors.
Fix Windows Registry: Registry is database where operating system stores information related to all installed applications and hardware configurations.
If there is corruption in this part then not only you would receive Windows messenger errors but you may loose your important data.