While it is a very much celebrated tradition here in the Philippines, not everyone is aware how exactly Valentine's Day came about.
We of course associate it with St.
Valentine but do not know how he was actually recognized as the saint of lovers.
Before you send that red, heart-glazed greeting card, read on and be initiated.
Prior to the third century of Rome, the 14th of February is nothing but an ordinary day.
During his reign, Emperor Claudius II banned marriage for young men as they seemed to be better soldiers than husbands and fathers.
This discrimination made a young priest named Valentine furious.
Such injustice caused Valentine to rebel against the emperor by continuing to perform marriages among young lovers in secret.
The emperor naturally discovered Valentine's secret.
The priest was arrested, jailed, and sentenced to death.
As the emperor's luck would have it, Valentine fell in love with his daughter who frequently paid the prisoner a visit.
Before he caught his last breath, Valentine sent his beloved a letter and signed it: "from your Valentine.
" The priest was executed on February 14, 270 AD.
Almost 300 years after, Pope Gelasius imposed that February 14 be a day to honor Valentine, who by that time was declared as a saint.
For thousands of years, the feast of St.
Valentine has been one of the most popular customs that is much to the delight of flower shop owners and the dread of most men.
Here in the Philippines, it definitely is the second most popular feast next to the tie breakers Christmas and New Year.
Hands down: flowers take the cake this time of the year being the most popular gift of choice.
Why wouldn't it be when these cut blossoms are readily available and have long symbolized fertility, love, marriage, and romance? Floriography or speaking in the language of flowers flourished in the Middle Ages when courtship is severely prohibited.
How lovers communicate for weeks or even months through flowers alone is just unbelievable! While we are one SMS or e-mail away today, you've got to admit that we still speak the language of flowers.
It is very evident here in the Philippines how this dialect never seems to wilt away.
While flowers can be given year round, sending a dozen or two during the 14th of February is extra special as it is paired with the thought of eternal love, similar to the life Valentine has lived.
We of course associate it with St.
Valentine but do not know how he was actually recognized as the saint of lovers.
Before you send that red, heart-glazed greeting card, read on and be initiated.
Prior to the third century of Rome, the 14th of February is nothing but an ordinary day.
During his reign, Emperor Claudius II banned marriage for young men as they seemed to be better soldiers than husbands and fathers.
This discrimination made a young priest named Valentine furious.
Such injustice caused Valentine to rebel against the emperor by continuing to perform marriages among young lovers in secret.
The emperor naturally discovered Valentine's secret.
The priest was arrested, jailed, and sentenced to death.
As the emperor's luck would have it, Valentine fell in love with his daughter who frequently paid the prisoner a visit.
Before he caught his last breath, Valentine sent his beloved a letter and signed it: "from your Valentine.
" The priest was executed on February 14, 270 AD.
Almost 300 years after, Pope Gelasius imposed that February 14 be a day to honor Valentine, who by that time was declared as a saint.
For thousands of years, the feast of St.
Valentine has been one of the most popular customs that is much to the delight of flower shop owners and the dread of most men.
Here in the Philippines, it definitely is the second most popular feast next to the tie breakers Christmas and New Year.
Hands down: flowers take the cake this time of the year being the most popular gift of choice.
Why wouldn't it be when these cut blossoms are readily available and have long symbolized fertility, love, marriage, and romance? Floriography or speaking in the language of flowers flourished in the Middle Ages when courtship is severely prohibited.
How lovers communicate for weeks or even months through flowers alone is just unbelievable! While we are one SMS or e-mail away today, you've got to admit that we still speak the language of flowers.
It is very evident here in the Philippines how this dialect never seems to wilt away.
While flowers can be given year round, sending a dozen or two during the 14th of February is extra special as it is paired with the thought of eternal love, similar to the life Valentine has lived.