We are living in very important times that have developments underway that may be very dangerous to the United States and its constituents.
As we look abroad the Middle East is falling into an abyss of instability with so called democratic revolutions everywhere you turn.
Europe is undergoing a radical political transformation with recent headlines blaring out "The Euro zone Has Become a Government Killing Machine" that came from the leading British financial historian Niall Ferguson.
One after another members of the Euro zone have fallen into financial crisis as national sovereignty is ceded to the European Union.
Greece is already begging for more infusions of money from the International Monetary Fund (America is the largest contributor) while Portugal, Ireland, and Spain have been driven to the political brink of insolvency unless they also soak up massive funding injections to keep their society from falling into chaos.
Britain Refuses to Suborn Its Currency Britain has made its position adamantly known that it will not, under any circumstances, do away with their currency, the British Pound Sterling, to join the EU and have the euro as its trading currency.
David Cameron has ever so politely refused Britain's participation in any of the bailouts extended to save places like Greece, Portugal, and Spain that could very easily sink into total anarchy.
Britain at this time does not want to relinquish its sovereignty and is in no position to fund any society as its financial house is not what it should be as it is still paying off debts from the Falklands war.
Egypt is a Morass Egypt, as was expected, has sunken into a morass of confusion since all the self described democratic freedom lovers took to the streets in Cairo in an orchestrated revolution to depose American ally President Mubarak.
So far what has been promised has not been delivered, no new era of prosperity and tranquility is on the horizon.
Rather, churches have been burning, lawlessness abounds, radical members of the Muslim Brotherhood have a political foothold as never before, and it is a virtual certainty that Egypt will become a hotbed of radical Islamist passions that will build towards supreme hatred of the west and a new focus to drive Israel into the sea.
The United States is to Engaged After many years of dissent and protest, campaign promises that have not come to fruition, the United States is not only militarily engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan, but at this very moment is fixated in a NATO led force to exterminate President Gaddafi of Libya.
It has also made glib demands for Assad, the murderer of his own people of Syria, to stand down as leader of his nation or else.
Could we be involved in another attack on Syria behind the color of NATO? From an overall perspective it certainly looks like this could be the case.
The Arab Spring What the press has so characterised as the Arab Spring uprising has a strong implication of contrivance of the Muslim Brotherhood to bring about change through the democracy ruse, then capturing the revolution by using money and power provided by enemies of the United States to hijack what the people of the middle east want into what the Muslim Brotherhood is spearheading.
The Arab Spring has foot prints of socialism and a hatred driven mob belief against Israel and the west that if they scream loud enough the west will hear and Israel will back down from attacks in the Gaza.
This has not happened as of yet, but again undue pressure can be put on Israel from the United States administration to back off any new attacks in the Gaza even though Israel was not the instigator.
What We Need What we need of course is a return to saner times, a place for Israel in the world of nations, instead of all of Israel's enemies demanding her destruction.
Meanwhile we can only watch as crushing debt descends on the United States of America, and wonder how long this facade of power and prosperity can endure before the end game is up.
What we need is fiscal responsibility, no new incurred federal debt, a government living within its means, tax cuts for businesses, a reformed tax code that will put more money in the hands of government so the national debt can be paid down, a national 1% tax that will develop jobs programs for the unemployed through infrastructure construction, a restraint from piling on new rules and regulations on the business community that it can ill afford to follow, and a rebuilding of the inner cities of America by hiring the youth that have been affected by the poverty and disaffection of their generation.
Someone once said, a bell is not a bell till someone rings it, a song is not a song until someone sings it, and love is not love until we share it.
What we need more of in the world is more world harmony, less hatred of each other, and more love for our brother.
This is a diverse world of many different races, but we all belong to the human race.
We should all start to show each other what we can all do together as the human race.
As we look abroad the Middle East is falling into an abyss of instability with so called democratic revolutions everywhere you turn.
Europe is undergoing a radical political transformation with recent headlines blaring out "The Euro zone Has Become a Government Killing Machine" that came from the leading British financial historian Niall Ferguson.
One after another members of the Euro zone have fallen into financial crisis as national sovereignty is ceded to the European Union.
Greece is already begging for more infusions of money from the International Monetary Fund (America is the largest contributor) while Portugal, Ireland, and Spain have been driven to the political brink of insolvency unless they also soak up massive funding injections to keep their society from falling into chaos.
Britain Refuses to Suborn Its Currency Britain has made its position adamantly known that it will not, under any circumstances, do away with their currency, the British Pound Sterling, to join the EU and have the euro as its trading currency.
David Cameron has ever so politely refused Britain's participation in any of the bailouts extended to save places like Greece, Portugal, and Spain that could very easily sink into total anarchy.
Britain at this time does not want to relinquish its sovereignty and is in no position to fund any society as its financial house is not what it should be as it is still paying off debts from the Falklands war.
Egypt is a Morass Egypt, as was expected, has sunken into a morass of confusion since all the self described democratic freedom lovers took to the streets in Cairo in an orchestrated revolution to depose American ally President Mubarak.
So far what has been promised has not been delivered, no new era of prosperity and tranquility is on the horizon.
Rather, churches have been burning, lawlessness abounds, radical members of the Muslim Brotherhood have a political foothold as never before, and it is a virtual certainty that Egypt will become a hotbed of radical Islamist passions that will build towards supreme hatred of the west and a new focus to drive Israel into the sea.
The United States is to Engaged After many years of dissent and protest, campaign promises that have not come to fruition, the United States is not only militarily engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan, but at this very moment is fixated in a NATO led force to exterminate President Gaddafi of Libya.
It has also made glib demands for Assad, the murderer of his own people of Syria, to stand down as leader of his nation or else.
Could we be involved in another attack on Syria behind the color of NATO? From an overall perspective it certainly looks like this could be the case.
The Arab Spring What the press has so characterised as the Arab Spring uprising has a strong implication of contrivance of the Muslim Brotherhood to bring about change through the democracy ruse, then capturing the revolution by using money and power provided by enemies of the United States to hijack what the people of the middle east want into what the Muslim Brotherhood is spearheading.
The Arab Spring has foot prints of socialism and a hatred driven mob belief against Israel and the west that if they scream loud enough the west will hear and Israel will back down from attacks in the Gaza.
This has not happened as of yet, but again undue pressure can be put on Israel from the United States administration to back off any new attacks in the Gaza even though Israel was not the instigator.
What We Need What we need of course is a return to saner times, a place for Israel in the world of nations, instead of all of Israel's enemies demanding her destruction.
Meanwhile we can only watch as crushing debt descends on the United States of America, and wonder how long this facade of power and prosperity can endure before the end game is up.
What we need is fiscal responsibility, no new incurred federal debt, a government living within its means, tax cuts for businesses, a reformed tax code that will put more money in the hands of government so the national debt can be paid down, a national 1% tax that will develop jobs programs for the unemployed through infrastructure construction, a restraint from piling on new rules and regulations on the business community that it can ill afford to follow, and a rebuilding of the inner cities of America by hiring the youth that have been affected by the poverty and disaffection of their generation.
Someone once said, a bell is not a bell till someone rings it, a song is not a song until someone sings it, and love is not love until we share it.
What we need more of in the world is more world harmony, less hatred of each other, and more love for our brother.
This is a diverse world of many different races, but we all belong to the human race.
We should all start to show each other what we can all do together as the human race.