When deciding on window coverings for you home, you'll want to keep a few things in mind.
You'll want to consider your privacy, the amount of light you want blocked the style of the window covering.
Some types of window covering you can consider are: * Roller/Fabric Shades: These are shades that roll down close to your window and generally provide complete coverage of your windows.
They can be vinyl or fabric and can custom-made to your precise window size.
This type of share is quite plain, but if you need coverage, you can add a bit of style withsome curtains.
* Venetian Blinds: Made from horizontal metal or wooden slats.
They come in a variety of colors and sizes.
They provide quite a bit of privacy, while allowing some view to the outside.
If you have children or pets, these types of blinds are easily damaged with physical handling.
* Vertical Blinds: These are typically made from cloth (or cheaper varieties are made from plastic) and are vertical slats that can be closed with a pulley-system to provide some privacy.
Again, these types of blinds are often easily damaged by little hands and paws, but the cloth varieties seem to withstand more wear and tear than Venetian blinds.
* Curtains & Draperies: These are made from a variety of fabrics and can provide full or partial window coverage, depending on the style you prefer.
If you are only using curtains for privacy, ensure there is enough fabric to completely close off any openings.
* Sheer Curtains & Draperies: For minimal privacy, particularly in the daytime, you might try sheer curtains.
If you need nighttime privacy, consider having opaque curtains or draperies on top.
Note: If you are using blinds or curtains with drawstrings, you'll need to consider safety of any children that may be in your home.
Children can and have hung themselves to death on these items.
If children are in your home, always tie up the drawstrings to put them out of reach of little hands.
Some newer window covering options include a breakaway cord to keep children safe.
So what about style? Here are some thoughts on the topic: * Use colors or fabrics that appear elsewhere in your room on your window coverings.
* Curtain rods can add plenty of style to a room.
They come in a variety of shapes and colors.
* Don't be afraid of a little color and texture in your blinds.
There are so many options these days.
Check them all out and make the right decision for you.
Many homes are sold with boring old Venetian and vertical blinds in neutral colors.
Don't limit yourself to the boredom.
Even if you keep the existing blinds, you can add curtains and other decorative window coverings to brighten up your room.
You'll want to consider your privacy, the amount of light you want blocked the style of the window covering.
Some types of window covering you can consider are: * Roller/Fabric Shades: These are shades that roll down close to your window and generally provide complete coverage of your windows.
They can be vinyl or fabric and can custom-made to your precise window size.
This type of share is quite plain, but if you need coverage, you can add a bit of style withsome curtains.
* Venetian Blinds: Made from horizontal metal or wooden slats.
They come in a variety of colors and sizes.
They provide quite a bit of privacy, while allowing some view to the outside.
If you have children or pets, these types of blinds are easily damaged with physical handling.
* Vertical Blinds: These are typically made from cloth (or cheaper varieties are made from plastic) and are vertical slats that can be closed with a pulley-system to provide some privacy.
Again, these types of blinds are often easily damaged by little hands and paws, but the cloth varieties seem to withstand more wear and tear than Venetian blinds.
* Curtains & Draperies: These are made from a variety of fabrics and can provide full or partial window coverage, depending on the style you prefer.
If you are only using curtains for privacy, ensure there is enough fabric to completely close off any openings.
* Sheer Curtains & Draperies: For minimal privacy, particularly in the daytime, you might try sheer curtains.
If you need nighttime privacy, consider having opaque curtains or draperies on top.
Note: If you are using blinds or curtains with drawstrings, you'll need to consider safety of any children that may be in your home.
Children can and have hung themselves to death on these items.
If children are in your home, always tie up the drawstrings to put them out of reach of little hands.
Some newer window covering options include a breakaway cord to keep children safe.
So what about style? Here are some thoughts on the topic: * Use colors or fabrics that appear elsewhere in your room on your window coverings.
* Curtain rods can add plenty of style to a room.
They come in a variety of shapes and colors.
* Don't be afraid of a little color and texture in your blinds.
There are so many options these days.
Check them all out and make the right decision for you.
Many homes are sold with boring old Venetian and vertical blinds in neutral colors.
Don't limit yourself to the boredom.
Even if you keep the existing blinds, you can add curtains and other decorative window coverings to brighten up your room.