- This scholarship is aimed at those studying dental hygiene and who wish to pursue a degree beyond the associate's level. As of 2011, two awards were available at a value of $2,000 each. Eligible applicants must show that they have graduated from an accredited dental hygiene program at the associate's level, and are currently enrolled in a graduate degree program. Students must show a commitment to a career in academia. The award is available for both part-time and full-time students.
- This grant is organized by Crest's parent company, Proctor and Gamble, or P&G for short. It is part of the wider Proctor and Gamble fund, which organizes grants that range from $10,000 to $25,000 in size on average. The Children's Safe Drinking Water Program targets public water systems in the developing world. Specifically, the fund is dedicated to providing water purifying technology and purification tablets.
- The Hope Schools program is another initiative managed under the Proctor and Gamble Fund. This grant specifically sets out to address the problems associated with the quality of schools in poorer areas of China. As of 2011, 100,000 children have been educated through the Hope Schools initiative, while over 5,000 people have been employed as a result of its implementation. Over 200 schools have been founded since the inception of the Hope Schools program.
- Proctor and Gamble arranges a variety of other grant opportunities through its Proctor and Gamble Fund. With assets well over the tens of millions, its grants are primarily targeted on education initiatives, which take up 40 percent of awarded grants. This is followed by philanthropy and volunteerism as well as human services, the environment, community development and arts and culture. Grants are available for both American recipients as well as international development initiatives.
ADEA/Crest Oral-B Scholarship for Students Pursuing Academic Careers
Proctor and Gamble Children's Safe Drinking Water Program
P&G Hope Schools
Other Funds