- 1). Set "Metalmorph" facedown on your side of the field.
- 2). Finish your current turn.
- 3). Begin your second turn after your opponent's turn has concluded.
- 4). Equip "Metalmorph" to any of your monsters on the field.
- 1). Summon "Elemental Hero Bubbleman" to your side of the field.
- 2). Activate "Bubble Illusion" during your Battle Phase. You can now instantly use a Trap card in your hand for one turn only.
- 3). Equip "Metalmorph" to a monster.
- 1). Use the Magic card "Temple of the Kings" during your Battle Phase. You can now activate Trap cards in the same turn that they are set.
- 2). Equip "Metalmorph" from your hand to one of your monsters.
- 3). Attack a stronger monster, so that your monster will gain half of the Attack points.
- 1). Summon "Makyura the Destructor."
- 2). Use "Makyura the Destructor" as a tribute during your next turn. During this turn, you can now use Trap cards directly from your hand.
- 3). Equip "Metalmorph" during your Battle Phase.
Using "Metalmorph" Normally
Instant Activation with "Bubble Illusion"
Instant Activation with "Temple of the Kings"
Instant Activation with "Makyura the Destructor"