Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Resurrected by God

Jesus is not just passing through your life or mine. He is not just spending two or three hours there. Once we invite him into our lives, he takes residence. He infiltrates our lives. He places the person of the Holy Spirit down in the depths of our soul. Because of that, we should not trash the temple. Because of that, our bodies matter. They are huge. They are important.

We can't play this dichotomization game where we separate the spirit, the soul and the body. They are together. We are going to talk about Gnosticism in this series. I don't want to get into it right now, but that was very prevalent in Biblical times. It is also very prevalent in today's culture. They had a whacked out view of the body. But this view is also big time right here in our culture today.

I have not seen the movie, Vanilla Sky. I would not lower myself to see it. But I have seen some previews. Have you seen that famous line uttered in the previews? Have you seen it and heard it? Let me read it, €Don't you know that when you sleep with someone, your body makes a promise to them, whether you do or not?€That's an incredible line. See, we try to separate our body from our soul. We say, €Our soul is what matters. My soul is here and my soul is there, but what I do with my body doesn't really matter.€

When you have sex outside the marriage bed, your body is making a commitment, a promise, with the person, whether you do or not. Have you ever wondered why there is such sexual chaos in the world? That's it. Most people don't realize it. People don't realize that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Yet, they are becoming one flesh with this person, one flesh with that person, one flesh with another person, through sexual intercourse.

It's wrong. We are trashing God's temple. Sex is reserved for the marriage bed. One man, one woman, committed together in covenant before God. Our temples matter. We can't trash the temple.
God is concerned about what I do with my body, what I put into my body, how I treat my body, what I do with my body, the places I take my body. We will talk about that during this series. And don't see Vanilla Sky. Don't waste your money on it.God fashioned our body. Jesus wore one. They are housing for the Holy Spirit. There is another reason why our bodies matter to God. This one is concerning the afterlife.

A lot of people ask me questions and I love the questions. One of the most prolific questions that people ask me goes something like this, €Ed, what will our bodies look like when we get to heaven?€
People ask me that all the time. Usually, I give them this deep, theological answer. I say, €Would you please take out your palm pilot, or pad and pen, and I will tell you what our bodies will look like in heaven. Are you ready? Here it is: I don't know.€

Because we don't really know specifically. Dr. Ed Young Let me dissect a verse a little bit and talk to you about our bodies. 1 Corinthian 15:40, €There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another.€

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