Type 1: Photo Lab / Photography Store Expect to pay, $50.
00 - $200.
00 per scan.
If you're a professional photographer, director of a museum, or do any sort of commercial work, a photo lab is your best bet.
Yes, the prices are pretty high.
But these stores also use $20,000 scanning equipment, and you will get scans that are far better quality than any other service.
Type 2: Graphic Design Scan Company Expect to pay, $1.
00 - $20.
00 per scan.
If you have a home scanning project, but you don't want to spend $50 for a quality scan, than look for a graphic design scanner.
Often these guys and gals will work from home, thus their prices are a lot lower.
The only downside is, since these scan companies use Photo Shop to repair your scans, it will take longer.
But if you want your scans to look better than your original pictures, then the wait will be worth it.
Type 3: Bulk / Discount Scanners Expect to pay, $0.
25 - $0.
50 per scan.
Maybe you don't need anything fancy.
Maybe you just want somebody else tackle the tedious job of scanning.
Bulk scanners can scan 1000s of slides, negatives, photos in a week.
But remember, what you pay in convenience, you will pay in quality.
Bulk scanners use Digital ICE to repair your scans.
Digital ICE isn't the best way to repair your scans, but it does it fast.
And the faster they scan, the lower the price they can offer.
So if you don't mind getting some lesser quality scans for a good price, then hire a bulk scan company.
3 Action Steps To Help You Decide On A Scan Company Best For You Step 1, Decide What You Want: If you're going to use your scans for commercial work, then go with a photo lab.
But make sure the photo lab uses "drum scanners" and not film or flat-bed scanners.
If they do, you may as well hire a graphic design scanner.
With a graphic design scanner you won't break the bank, and get high quality scans.
But make sure they repair your scans using Photo Shop, not Digital ICE.
If you're a pro at Photo Shop, then you don't need a graphic designer.
You can just hire a bulk scan company, and go from there.
Step 2, Get A Trial Scan: Once you've decided on a scan company, always get a trial scan.
A legit scan company will always be happy to offer a free trial scan.
If they don't, here's what to do: send 30 scans, and don't tell them it's a trial.
If the service and quality is not what you expected, then you lost $30...
and not $3000.
Step 3, Get A 100% Scan Guarantee In Writing: This seems obvious.
But remember, your slides, negatives, and photos are the only copy you have.
If you're going to commit your time and money to a scan company, you want them to work for YOU.
Make them accountable for their work by making sure they know that they're accountable.
Always get a guarantee in writing to protect your pictures and you money.
What To Do Next Grab 30 of your favorite slides, negatives, photos.
Do this right now.
And do this with your loved ones, it will be fun.
Then contact your chosen scan company, and tell them you're sending a small order.
When you get your scans back, then decide if you want to send the rest.
Remember, your photos are your family story, the history of your younger years.
Scanning them means you're going to archive them safely.
And someday your grandchildren are going to have them.
So it's very important to find the right scan company for your needs.
About The Author
00 - $200.
00 per scan.
If you're a professional photographer, director of a museum, or do any sort of commercial work, a photo lab is your best bet.
Yes, the prices are pretty high.
But these stores also use $20,000 scanning equipment, and you will get scans that are far better quality than any other service.
Type 2: Graphic Design Scan Company Expect to pay, $1.
00 - $20.
00 per scan.
If you have a home scanning project, but you don't want to spend $50 for a quality scan, than look for a graphic design scanner.
Often these guys and gals will work from home, thus their prices are a lot lower.
The only downside is, since these scan companies use Photo Shop to repair your scans, it will take longer.
But if you want your scans to look better than your original pictures, then the wait will be worth it.
Type 3: Bulk / Discount Scanners Expect to pay, $0.
25 - $0.
50 per scan.
Maybe you don't need anything fancy.
Maybe you just want somebody else tackle the tedious job of scanning.
Bulk scanners can scan 1000s of slides, negatives, photos in a week.
But remember, what you pay in convenience, you will pay in quality.
Bulk scanners use Digital ICE to repair your scans.
Digital ICE isn't the best way to repair your scans, but it does it fast.
And the faster they scan, the lower the price they can offer.
So if you don't mind getting some lesser quality scans for a good price, then hire a bulk scan company.
3 Action Steps To Help You Decide On A Scan Company Best For You Step 1, Decide What You Want: If you're going to use your scans for commercial work, then go with a photo lab.
But make sure the photo lab uses "drum scanners" and not film or flat-bed scanners.
If they do, you may as well hire a graphic design scanner.
With a graphic design scanner you won't break the bank, and get high quality scans.
But make sure they repair your scans using Photo Shop, not Digital ICE.
If you're a pro at Photo Shop, then you don't need a graphic designer.
You can just hire a bulk scan company, and go from there.
Step 2, Get A Trial Scan: Once you've decided on a scan company, always get a trial scan.
A legit scan company will always be happy to offer a free trial scan.
If they don't, here's what to do: send 30 scans, and don't tell them it's a trial.
If the service and quality is not what you expected, then you lost $30...
and not $3000.
Step 3, Get A 100% Scan Guarantee In Writing: This seems obvious.
But remember, your slides, negatives, and photos are the only copy you have.
If you're going to commit your time and money to a scan company, you want them to work for YOU.
Make them accountable for their work by making sure they know that they're accountable.
Always get a guarantee in writing to protect your pictures and you money.
What To Do Next Grab 30 of your favorite slides, negatives, photos.
Do this right now.
And do this with your loved ones, it will be fun.
Then contact your chosen scan company, and tell them you're sending a small order.
When you get your scans back, then decide if you want to send the rest.
Remember, your photos are your family story, the history of your younger years.
Scanning them means you're going to archive them safely.
And someday your grandchildren are going to have them.
So it's very important to find the right scan company for your needs.
About The Author