Cantharis for cats is used for urinary tract infections.
This herb helps to sustain a healthy flow or urine.
Cantharis and Staphysagris are normally used together for cat urinary bladder infections.
If Cantharis is specifically compounded together with other herbs, like Staphysagris and vitamins in special formulas used in conjunction with a healthy diet you may be able to prevent further problems of the urinary tract.
In homeopathic remedies the herb, plant or sometimes an insect is used.
After processing the full potency product is diluted many times and added to a base formula.
The theory behind these homeopathic remedies is like cures like.
In other words, if the original herb produces the consequences you are trying to cure and it is taken in these very minute properties, the body responds much like the flu shot which when introduced into the body will produce antibodies.
Cantharis and Staphysagris are prescribed when the symptoms are an extreme urge to urinate, pain when urinating and a pain after the flow of urine has stopped.
Even when just finishing urination there is another urge to urinate with little or no urine being produced.
Cantharis for cats is prescribed if experiencing rapid and severe inflammation of the urinary tract.
The relentless burning pain associated with the urinary tract makes the cat afraid to urinate, and so kitty might go to the bathroom on a cool floor outside of the litter box because it feels better, or they might dribble urine any and everywhere.
Prevention is the key for avoiding repeated bouts of bladder problems with your cat.
Keeping the litter box clean is an excellent way to prevent urinary infections.
Bacteria from the litter box can enter and overrun the urethra.
It is also very effective to make sure your animals have plenty of clean fresh water so they will urinate more and flush out any possible start of bacteria.
One of the major causes for cat bladder infections is the fact that cats especially don't drink or eat enough liquids, so if any bacteria do enter into the urethra, bacteria will multiply very fast.
As an added preventative, consider an immune supplement or a good multi-vitamin to help fight off any future infections.
Used in combination with Cantharis and Staphysagris your cat will be able to fight off urinary infections.
This herb helps to sustain a healthy flow or urine.
Cantharis and Staphysagris are normally used together for cat urinary bladder infections.
If Cantharis is specifically compounded together with other herbs, like Staphysagris and vitamins in special formulas used in conjunction with a healthy diet you may be able to prevent further problems of the urinary tract.
In homeopathic remedies the herb, plant or sometimes an insect is used.
After processing the full potency product is diluted many times and added to a base formula.
The theory behind these homeopathic remedies is like cures like.
In other words, if the original herb produces the consequences you are trying to cure and it is taken in these very minute properties, the body responds much like the flu shot which when introduced into the body will produce antibodies.
Cantharis and Staphysagris are prescribed when the symptoms are an extreme urge to urinate, pain when urinating and a pain after the flow of urine has stopped.
Even when just finishing urination there is another urge to urinate with little or no urine being produced.
Cantharis for cats is prescribed if experiencing rapid and severe inflammation of the urinary tract.
The relentless burning pain associated with the urinary tract makes the cat afraid to urinate, and so kitty might go to the bathroom on a cool floor outside of the litter box because it feels better, or they might dribble urine any and everywhere.
Prevention is the key for avoiding repeated bouts of bladder problems with your cat.
Keeping the litter box clean is an excellent way to prevent urinary infections.
Bacteria from the litter box can enter and overrun the urethra.
It is also very effective to make sure your animals have plenty of clean fresh water so they will urinate more and flush out any possible start of bacteria.
One of the major causes for cat bladder infections is the fact that cats especially don't drink or eat enough liquids, so if any bacteria do enter into the urethra, bacteria will multiply very fast.
As an added preventative, consider an immune supplement or a good multi-vitamin to help fight off any future infections.
Used in combination with Cantharis and Staphysagris your cat will be able to fight off urinary infections.