- 1). Shop around. Check out the independent computer retailers in your area as opposed to shopping at a chain retailer. Independently owned computer retailers are more inclined to sell their products at wholesale prices. While an independent retailer may not sell their products at wholesale prices all the time, when they place product on sale, they often lower it to the wholesale price or lower in order to clear out their inventory.
- 2). Ask around. Ask family, friends and even employees that work at a computer store if they know any places that sell computers at wholesale. Ask them if they also know of any websites that sell computers and accessories at wholesale prices.
- 3). Check out websites. Plenty of online retailers sell their product at wholesale prices. Due to low overhead and smaller costs for housing inventory, online retailers do not have the same requirements as a physical retailer, which means they are able to sell their product at a cheaper price. Online retailers are also ideal to use when buying large quantities of product.
- 4). Go to electronic expos. These expos carry a large variety of computer brands from various vendors. Many of these vendors sell their product at wholesale prices and are able to also get a certain quantity of product, if needed.
- 5). Apply for a wholesale license. Getting your wholesale license allows you to purchase large quantities of product from a company without paying the retail price. You must fill out and return the correct forms in order to obtain your license.