Health & Medical Men's Health

FAQ About Making Your Penis Bigger - Find Out What Works and What Doesn"t

Making your penis bigger is not difficult or time consuming, given that you know the right way to do it.
This can be difficult for a lot of men just starting out because there are a ton of wrong ways, and most of them get a lot of publicity.
Pills, sprays, weights, hanging devices - it's hard to surf the Internet without seeing advertisement upon advertisement for this stuff.
I am embarrassed to say that I tried just about all of it before I discovered natural penis enlargement techniques.
To help keep other men from making the same mistakes that I did, here are some of the most frequently asked questions, along with my answers, about different penis enlargement methods and what works and what doesn't: Are penis enlargement pills as effective as the advertisements claim? Not even close.
The most you'll ever gain from one of these pills is a slight improvement in erection quality due to increased blood flow.
However, you can achieve the same end by taking an amino acid called arginine, which can be found at Wal-Mart for under twenty dollars.
Why do you not recommend weights or hanging devices? First of all, they are highly ineffective.
Second, the risks are astronomical; almost as bad as with surgery.
There is no point in risking losing the use of your penis forever for a chance at making minimal gains.
What should I keep in mind when I seek out a natural male enhancement program? Natural male enhancement is definitely the only way to go if you want to see fast gains that are permanent.
Make sure that the program will allow you to gain both length and girth, that the required time commitment is not oppressive (under ten minutes daily is ideal), and that it is backed by a 100% guarantee.
That way you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
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