Making the decision to try for a baby is probably one of the biggest most important decisions of your life.
It is also very exciting and at times can even be stressful.
There are however easy ways to increase your chances of conceiving, so here are some: Regular Sex.
Many people will have opinions on this and will most definitely want to tell you! You will be told "you must have sex 3 times a day every day" or "wait and only have sex around the time of ovulation".
Basically regular sex every other day is the best thing, this gives sperm time between to regenerate and be the best they can be.
Also, having sex every other day will make certain you will catch your most fertile phase (which is when you ovulate).
Ovulation occurs around the 14th day of your cycle but varies from woman to woman.
Also keep in mind, conceiving could happen quickly and easily but sometimes it can take months, you don't want sex to become a chore that has to be done everyday whether you and your partner feel like it or not! So, regular sex every other day with your partner will suffice, and don't forget...
Have fun with it! Diet & Exercise Your body ideally needs to be in peak condition, a healthy diet and daily exercise will have your body in the best physical condition ready for a healthy pregnancy and birth, not only that but it is well known that stress levels can be reduced dramatically with a daily dose of exercise.
The Chinese believe psychological factors play a big part in general health and well being in a woman when trying to conceive.
Also, with your diet affecting your hormone balance which in turn affects your reproductive system it is definitely a good idea to do some research and find out what kind of diet is best when trying to conceive.
You never know it could make all the difference! Positioning It has often been said that certain positions in love-making will maximise your chances of conceiving and figures show this could be true.
Missionary position is by far the best for conceiving.
A good tip is to raise your hips up with a pillow or cushion, this tilts your pelvis and is thought to aid the sperm in their journey.
People don't often think about the all important journey the sperm have to make to reach their goal (the egg) and how hard it is for them! There are reasons why men produce millions of sperm and some believe it is because of this: some are not viable, meaning they may have a misshapen head that won't be able to penetrate an egg, or they may have a deformed tail restricting their swimming ability but also many, many sperm get killed on the treacherous journey they have to make to get to the egg.
So, Missionary is best propped up with a pillow or cushion.
After love-making try to stay lying down with those hips raised for at least 30 minutes, this will give the sperm that little head start they need.
You might also be interested to know that saliva kills sperm too (you may want to limit the amount of oral fun you have for a while).
So there are a few tips to get you started.
Remember, trying to conceive takes different amounts of times for different couples so don't become dis-heartened if it doesn't happen for you straight away.
Stay positive, and more importantly relax and try to enjoy the process!
It is also very exciting and at times can even be stressful.
There are however easy ways to increase your chances of conceiving, so here are some: Regular Sex.
Many people will have opinions on this and will most definitely want to tell you! You will be told "you must have sex 3 times a day every day" or "wait and only have sex around the time of ovulation".
Basically regular sex every other day is the best thing, this gives sperm time between to regenerate and be the best they can be.
Also, having sex every other day will make certain you will catch your most fertile phase (which is when you ovulate).
Ovulation occurs around the 14th day of your cycle but varies from woman to woman.
Also keep in mind, conceiving could happen quickly and easily but sometimes it can take months, you don't want sex to become a chore that has to be done everyday whether you and your partner feel like it or not! So, regular sex every other day with your partner will suffice, and don't forget...
Have fun with it! Diet & Exercise Your body ideally needs to be in peak condition, a healthy diet and daily exercise will have your body in the best physical condition ready for a healthy pregnancy and birth, not only that but it is well known that stress levels can be reduced dramatically with a daily dose of exercise.
The Chinese believe psychological factors play a big part in general health and well being in a woman when trying to conceive.
Also, with your diet affecting your hormone balance which in turn affects your reproductive system it is definitely a good idea to do some research and find out what kind of diet is best when trying to conceive.
You never know it could make all the difference! Positioning It has often been said that certain positions in love-making will maximise your chances of conceiving and figures show this could be true.
Missionary position is by far the best for conceiving.
A good tip is to raise your hips up with a pillow or cushion, this tilts your pelvis and is thought to aid the sperm in their journey.
People don't often think about the all important journey the sperm have to make to reach their goal (the egg) and how hard it is for them! There are reasons why men produce millions of sperm and some believe it is because of this: some are not viable, meaning they may have a misshapen head that won't be able to penetrate an egg, or they may have a deformed tail restricting their swimming ability but also many, many sperm get killed on the treacherous journey they have to make to get to the egg.
So, Missionary is best propped up with a pillow or cushion.
After love-making try to stay lying down with those hips raised for at least 30 minutes, this will give the sperm that little head start they need.
You might also be interested to know that saliva kills sperm too (you may want to limit the amount of oral fun you have for a while).
So there are a few tips to get you started.
Remember, trying to conceive takes different amounts of times for different couples so don't become dis-heartened if it doesn't happen for you straight away.
Stay positive, and more importantly relax and try to enjoy the process!