It never has been about the MONEY, it's always about "NEEDS" not being fulfilled.
No question, salary must be fair and equitable but poor productivity is always about something far more personal. It would appear most employers seem to believe otherwise and choose incentives.offer trips or points programs! Offering these perceived incentives [compensation] is analogous to offering a hungry person a choice between having a meal or a chance to meet the chef.
The old adage, "provide employees with an opportunity to achieve what they really need or desire and you will change their behavior" is widely accepted today, however almost never followed. Most employees know if employee salary is not commensurate their job description, the solution isn't going to be found in faux compensation such as winning a trip or merchandise points catalog. Experience tells us, when salary isn't equitable to the work being done, the offer of traditional trips or merchandise can actually result in the polar opposite of the company's objectives, i.e. decreased output and attitude.
If it is not about the MONEY, what do employees NEED? Well, what do we all need/desire and rarely have the opportunity to achieve? Any successful manager can tell you, it's the need for Appreciation of a teammate's contribution, a visible, sincere expression of the value they bring to the organization. Yes, we need to be affirmed in our value, our performance, and unique contributions. Give any employee an understanding of what behavior is valued, then clearly communicate it, recognize it when & as it is exhibited, and, without a doubt, positive changes will be observed.
What are the essential elements of successful employee recognition? There are six absolutely essential aspects any successful recognition program, they are:
1.Support from Top or Senior Officer
2.Clearly Stated, Observable, Valued, Employee Behavior
3.Communication of Valued Behavior
4.Training of Supervisory Staff to observe and track repeated desired behavior
5.Training of Supervisory Staff to publicly express and symbolically award desired behavior
6.Communications of individual recognition event to employee, family, company, and community
Costs for employee recognition strategies are usually absorbed from existing department communications, employee relations, and safety budgets. Typically Recognition Award programs costs range between 5 - 10% of point programs and other traditional incentive programs.
Recognition by Design offers no cost, no obligation company surveys to determine:
corporate/division/plant culture
existing employee "climate"
on-going recognition practices
and opportunities for leveraging existing traditions or programs
No question, salary must be fair and equitable but poor productivity is always about something far more personal. It would appear most employers seem to believe otherwise and choose incentives.offer trips or points programs! Offering these perceived incentives [compensation] is analogous to offering a hungry person a choice between having a meal or a chance to meet the chef.
The old adage, "provide employees with an opportunity to achieve what they really need or desire and you will change their behavior" is widely accepted today, however almost never followed. Most employees know if employee salary is not commensurate their job description, the solution isn't going to be found in faux compensation such as winning a trip or merchandise points catalog. Experience tells us, when salary isn't equitable to the work being done, the offer of traditional trips or merchandise can actually result in the polar opposite of the company's objectives, i.e. decreased output and attitude.
If it is not about the MONEY, what do employees NEED? Well, what do we all need/desire and rarely have the opportunity to achieve? Any successful manager can tell you, it's the need for Appreciation of a teammate's contribution, a visible, sincere expression of the value they bring to the organization. Yes, we need to be affirmed in our value, our performance, and unique contributions. Give any employee an understanding of what behavior is valued, then clearly communicate it, recognize it when & as it is exhibited, and, without a doubt, positive changes will be observed.
What are the essential elements of successful employee recognition? There are six absolutely essential aspects any successful recognition program, they are:
1.Support from Top or Senior Officer
2.Clearly Stated, Observable, Valued, Employee Behavior
3.Communication of Valued Behavior
4.Training of Supervisory Staff to observe and track repeated desired behavior
5.Training of Supervisory Staff to publicly express and symbolically award desired behavior
6.Communications of individual recognition event to employee, family, company, and community
Costs for employee recognition strategies are usually absorbed from existing department communications, employee relations, and safety budgets. Typically Recognition Award programs costs range between 5 - 10% of point programs and other traditional incentive programs.
Recognition by Design offers no cost, no obligation company surveys to determine:
corporate/division/plant culture
existing employee "climate"
on-going recognition practices
and opportunities for leveraging existing traditions or programs