Spawn of Two Devils
Dr. Britt Westbourne, or Britch, as she was known, started working at General Hospital in 2011.
Many would say that was a dark day. Certainly Patrick Drake, Sabrina Santiago, and Felix Dubois would say so, as well as Elizabeth Spencer.
"Britch" set her sights on Patrick Drake and, realizing that Sabrina was interested in him, did her best to discredit the nurse. Britt finally nabbed Patrick in the shower.
Unfortunately, due to her miserable attitude toward Patrick's beloved daughter, Emma, Patrick broke it off. Try as she might, Britt couldn't get back into Emma's good graces.
Britt's High-Profile Parents
It took some time -- in fact, it took months -- but we learned a little something of Britt's background. Turns out it's something out of Rosemary's Baby.
Her mother is Dr. Liesl Obrecht, a physician who held Robin hostage at her Swiss clinic. Dr. O lost her license for experimenting on live patients. This time, she was working on an antidote for a toxin that infected Jerry Jacks and Luke Spencer.
Britt's father is one of the scariest men alive -- Cesar Faison! So one can either look at Britt as the spawn of two devils and one herself, or as a pathetic human being under the thumb of amoral, strong people.
Over time, Britt developed some human qualities. The only problem was, she couldn't tell the truth unless she thought she was lying.
Going After Sabrina
Going after Patrick was perhaps Mommy Dearest Obrecht's idea, since it seems this whole plot -- the kidnapping of Robin, having Faison disguise himself as Duke Lavery while he was held hostage at the clinic, and telling Patrick that he was about to become a father -- all had to do with Cesar's obsession with Anna Devane and with Robin.
Britt blamed Sabrina for her break-up and wanted revenge. She agreed to help Maxie Jones pass off the baby she was carrying, which was actually her own, as the child of Lulu and Dante. Maxie had miscarried their child and then learned she was pregnant with Spinelli's.
In return for the favor, Britt asked Maxie to ruin Sabrina's career. It didn't work; when Frisco found out, he warned the doctor to leave Maxie alone.
Britt had to continue solo and made it appear that Sabrina cheated on her nursing exam. That didn't work either. The hospital staff was behind her and proved that Sabrina had been set Britt.
Britt's mother was disappointed that her daughter could not rid the hospital and Patrick of Sabrina. Both parents had kidnapped Robin, and no one knew she was still alive.
The next move was bold. At the Nurses' Ball, Britt interrupted Patrick's speech and announced her pregnancy and his fatherhood.
Lying to Patrick
This did not endear Britt to Patrick; in fact, he and Sabrina were growing closer. Dr. Drake, however, was willing to be a responsible father. Britt, with money, convinced a tech, Brad, to make her lab work look like she had to be on bed rest during her pregnancy. She then secured him a promotion.
The idea behind this was to have Patrick care for her and re-discover his feelings for her. Again, epic fail. She wound up living with Sabrina and Felix.
Britt ultimately became friendly with Nikolas Cassadine and wanted to reveal the truth of the baby's paternity, but Obrecht would not allow it.
Nikolas to the Rescue
After Dr. O poisoned Duke Lavery, she split town. Britt was taken into custody and questioned. Thanks to Nikolas, she was released and brought to Wyndemere. She confessed that Patrick was not the father. The baby, she claimed, was Brad's. Britt lies about lies.
Upon learning this bit of news, Nikolas tossed her out and told Brad to step up to his duties as a father. Before she could leave Wyndemere, Britt went into labor.
Sabrina and Nikolas helped her deliver a boy, Ben. Britt fell in love with the baby and was impressed by Nikolas' tenderness toward her and little Ben. She stayed on at Wyndemere.
Britt wanted her mother to stay away from little Ben. Dr. O did not share her feelings, so she kidnapped the child and took him to Cassadine Island to see Grandpa Faison.
Nikolas understood Britt's problem -- she had maniacal parents -- and he could relate. They rescued Ben. Their elevated closeness caused Britt to actually admit the truth (again), that Brad was not Ben's father either.
Telling the Truth
Nikolas let that pass for the moment, and he and Britt consummated their relationship. It was then that Dante and Lulu found out that their embryos were missing from the lab.
Requiring aid with her legal problems, Dr. O blackmailed her daughter into helping her by threatening to reveal that Britt was impregnated by a stolen embryo belonging to the Falconeris.
True love had made Britt a human being capable of empathy, and as she spent time with Lulu, the horror of what happened hit her hard. Suspicious of any woman around Nikolas, Elizabeth ran a DNA test on her own and learned that Ben's father was Dante!
Elizabeth confronted her, but Britt swore that she had no idea her mother had used the missing embryos to impregnate her. Nikolas believed her. He proposed, and she accepted.
Lulu graciously helped to plan the engagement party. Britt's conscience was still aching, so she wrote a letter to Lulu telling her the truth, thinking it would then be out of her system and she could destroy the letter.
Elizabeth found it and handed the letter over to Lulu as the party was happening. Lulu went crazy; Nikolas broke up with his fiance and threw her out. Ben was kidnapped by Dr. Obrecht again, and Britt claimed she had nothing to do with it. No one believed her; she was again in police custody.
The Truth Hurts; Moving On
After her mother had the charges dropped, Britt moved in with Brad. She wasn't over Nikolas. He could not forgive her and turned to Elizabeth.
Brad and Dr. O told her to fight for the man she loved. Of course, she wasn't going to do anything aboveboard. She instead worked with Nikolas' precocious son Spencer. The plan was that Spencer would disappear. Britt would comfort Nikolas and find the boy.
She should have realized that none of her plots work. Elizabeth found Spencer and brought him home.
However, this was not an epic fail. Britt and Nikolas began a journey back to one another. A tiny problem: What would happen if Nikolas found out it was a plot between Britt and Spencer? You guessed it, he threw her out.
By then, the doctor had bonded with Spencer, and he would miss her terribly. Britt and Faison left for parts unknown; since the police still wanted her, she had to leave town.
She secretly returned during the Nurses Ball and visited Spencer.
Kelly Thiebaud
As for the actress who plays her, 28-year-old Kelly Thiebaud is a gorgeous woman with a body to die for. She began as a model in commercials, modeled overseas, and appeared in music videos for David Guetta before turning to an acting career.
Previous to landing the role of Britt on General Hospital, Thiebaud appeared on Days of Our Lives, Castle, Criminal Minds, and appeared in two short films, Duplex, and The Time, and a film, Hostel: Part III. She also played the role of Karlee on several episodes of The Secret Life of the American Teenager.
The Time was shot in two days and was entered into the Los Angeles 48 Hour Film Festival. It won runner-up at the festival and Thiebaud was runner-up for best actress.
The actress has an upcoming feature film, Grace Unplugged, starring A.J. Michalka and Desperate Housewives hunk James Denton. In Grace Unplugged, she plays a pop star trying to further her career.
Private Life
In her private life, Thiebaud is interested in the cause of the homeless, and to that end, she does everything from giving loose change to doling out food at a shelter at Thanksgiving.
As for her love life, she currently dates Bryan Craig, who plays the bratty Morgan on GH.
The beautiful actress loved playing a meanie with redeeming qualities on GH, and hopes to do a lot more acting in the future, particularly in films. Because of her athleticism, Thiebaud would especially love to be involved in action films.
Reaching for something new is the reason she left General Hospital in early 2015. She did return during the 2015 Nurses Ball for a few episodes.