Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Want to Catch a Cheating Husband? Check These 3 Evidence Hot Spots

Are you one of the thousands of women who will come to suspect their husband is cheating during this Holiday Season?

Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you. These days there are more marriages that have to deal with infidelity than those that don't, so if you suspect that your husband is cheating, you should go ahead and prepare yourself for the worst.

I'm sorry for being blunt, and I'm sorry to be the one that has to say this to you, but studies show that 85% of women who suspect their husbands are cheating are correct, so there's no sense in dancing around the truth.

Rather, as you continue reading this article I'm going to be talking to you about three places that you can look to find indisputable proof that your husband is cheating on you.

If you get through each of these three places and don't see any signs of a cheating husband, then and only then should you allow your guard down. Even still, I would be careful, as you never know how sneaky your husband can be.

3 Hot Spots for Signs of a Cheating Husband

As I said, below you're going to find three places that I have found to be hot spots for evidence when it comes to learning how to catch a cheating husband.

They may not be perfect, and they may not work 100% of the time, but I would wager that 9 times out of 10 you're bound to find some sort of physical evidence in one of these places.

Evidence Hot Spot #1 - In His Car

What do all affairs have in common? They all require transportation, time and money. If your husband is taking time out of his day to meet someone else, then chances are he's going to be spending some time in his car while he's speaking around.

ยท Check for physical evidence, such as hair

ยท Check for financial evidence, such as receipts

ยท Check his odometer and keep track of his mileage

No matter how sneaky or smooth your husband is, eventually he's going to slip up and leave behind some trace evidence of his secret infidelity. You just have to be there to find it!

Evidence Hot Spot #2 - In His Wallet

Remember earlier I said that all affairs require money?

There is actually quite a bit of truth to this, and it's one of the easiest ways to catch a cheating spouse. If your husband is wining and dining and other woman, then there is going to be a Financial Paper trail.

If he's sneaking around on adult dating sites, then this one to be a paper trail for that, too.

ยท Does he show you his pay stubs?

ยท What about his credit card bills and ATM withdrawals?

ยท Check his wallet for receipts, or worse yet, condoms

ยท Check his wallet for photos and phone numbers

Many times a husband thinks of their wallet as a secret hidden safe that you will never be able to look through, so it's not uncommon for them to keep a small trinket or token of affection for their mistress.

They like the thought of keeping it close and keeping it hidden from you at the same time.

If you can get access to your husband's wallet, do so ASAP!

Evidence Hot Spot #3 - In His Cell Phone

This one is a little bit trickier, as it's probably not going to be quite as easy to look for your husband cell phone as his wallet or his car.

However, that is all the more reason for you to do some investigation! Many times you can literally see communication between your husband and his lover in the form of text messages!

You might be surprised at what you learn.

ยท Look through his past phone calls

ยท Look through his past text messages

ยท Look through any photos stored on his cell phone

ยท Does he have a smart phone? See if he's used the GPS on his phone recently

ยท What about the internet browser on his phone? Any signs of cheating there?

Honestly, I've heard more tragic horror stories of infidelity discovery involving the spouse is cell phone than any other source of evidence, so take this suggestion seriously.

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