Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Emergency Preparation: What to Take When You Escape

Here's a quick list of items to take when an emergency or natural disaster strikes and you have to escape your home. Prepare for an emergency by having these items organized and easily accessible. Store what you can in water/fire safe containers.

Printing this list and having it posted in an easy to find spot will help you remember what you need to take when you're panicked and can't think properly.

What to Take When You Escape

  • Your children (seriously- when you're panicked make sure you get your children to safety first!)
  • 72-Hour Kit (with household contact information)
  • First aid kit
  • Identification (passports, driver's licenses, birth certificates, marriage licenses, insurance, wills, financial statements, etc.)
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Important phone numbers (relatives, work, insurance, doctors, pharmacy, etc.)
  • Extra set of keys (house, garage, storage, lockbox, etc.)
  • Money $$ (cash, including coins, and credit cards)
  • Critical medicines & prescription glasses
  • Computer backup

Additional Emergency Preparation tips:

  • Decide where you will reunite after a disaster. Choose two locations, one just outside your home, and one outside of your neighborhood and/or city in case you are required to evacuate.
  • Make sure all family members know who your out-of-sate contact is and has their contact information. Make them the point of contact if you are separated.
  • Teach each able family member how to shut off your utilities.
  • Keep your car's gas tank half full.
Also see 15 Emergency Items to Keep in Your Car
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