Here are some ideas to make your wedding ceremony unique: Have your father and mother walk you down the aisle.
Burn incense - this will give the ceremony an exotic feeling.
Have children hand each female guest a flower such as a single carnation.
Personalize your wedding program with greetings, pictures and poetry.
Have the Bridal party blow bubbles as you leave the ceremony.
As you are walking to the alter, stop by your mother's seat and gives her a kiss and a rose.
As you leave the alter (with your groom), do the same for your new mother-in-law.
Or simply hand a rose to each or your mother's as you leave the church during the recessional.
Line the window sills with votive candles.
Wrap greenery or tulle around the columns.
Light a Memory Candle to honor a loved one who is deceased.
Ask the clergymember to exchange places with you during the ceremony so you can face your guests.
Light Candles of Peace - Have your ushers (or children) hand out candles to each guest as they are seated.
After lighting the Unity Candle, the bride and groom walk to the first pew (on their sides of the church).
With their own candles, they each light the candle of the first guest in the first pew, who lights the candle of the person next to him/her, till all the candles are lit.
Write your own wedding vows or read poetry.
(Do not let your fiance see the vows before the ceremony!) Sip from two goblets of wine to symbolize the joy and sorrow of life.
Welcome guests with music outside the ceremony site - for example you could have bagpipes or a classical guitarist.
For indoor music you could have a harpist or a flutist.
Hang a wreath on the door of the ceremony site.
Ask a friend to sing a special song during the ceremony.
During the ceremony publicly acknowledge your parents by thanking them for their love and support.
Have children ring bells.
Burn incense - this will give the ceremony an exotic feeling.
Have children hand each female guest a flower such as a single carnation.
Personalize your wedding program with greetings, pictures and poetry.
Have the Bridal party blow bubbles as you leave the ceremony.
As you are walking to the alter, stop by your mother's seat and gives her a kiss and a rose.
As you leave the alter (with your groom), do the same for your new mother-in-law.
Or simply hand a rose to each or your mother's as you leave the church during the recessional.
Line the window sills with votive candles.
Wrap greenery or tulle around the columns.
Light a Memory Candle to honor a loved one who is deceased.
Ask the clergymember to exchange places with you during the ceremony so you can face your guests.
Light Candles of Peace - Have your ushers (or children) hand out candles to each guest as they are seated.
After lighting the Unity Candle, the bride and groom walk to the first pew (on their sides of the church).
With their own candles, they each light the candle of the first guest in the first pew, who lights the candle of the person next to him/her, till all the candles are lit.
Write your own wedding vows or read poetry.
(Do not let your fiance see the vows before the ceremony!) Sip from two goblets of wine to symbolize the joy and sorrow of life.
Welcome guests with music outside the ceremony site - for example you could have bagpipes or a classical guitarist.
For indoor music you could have a harpist or a flutist.
Hang a wreath on the door of the ceremony site.
Ask a friend to sing a special song during the ceremony.
During the ceremony publicly acknowledge your parents by thanking them for their love and support.
Have children ring bells.