- 1). Insert the 1/2-inch bit into the drill and tighten it. Place the tip of the drill on a piece of plywood at the point where you wish to start a groove. The groove must start no more than 6 inches from the edge of the wood.
- 2). Pull the trigger to turn on the drill. Push on the drill with only a small amount of pressure to drill only a small divot into the wood. Keep the drill running.
- 3). Tilt the drill down slowly as you keep it running. Tilt it all the way down flat, so the side of the bit spins against the plywood.
- 4). Add horizontal pressure to the bit as it lies flat on the wood. The spiral cuts on the side of the drill cut into the wood, transferring the shape and diameter of the drill bit into the wood, and creating a groove 6 inches long.
- 5). Hold the bit against the wood, allowing it to cut down into the wood for a groove as deep as you want.