The Easier Way to Get Pregnant
Why is that some women can conceive so easily whilst others are unable to get pregnant, even when it is their hearts desire.
There are some well laid out rules and techniques to increase fertility to enable them to get pregnant quickly and easily.
Rule 1: # Become fitter. Try and take plenty of exercise in the fresh air. By walking and even jogging. The idea is to increase your heart rate with sufficient effort to raise your heart rate.
If you are overweight then try swimming or cycling this is preferable as these types of exercise are not so hard on your knee and hip joints.
Do drink plenty of fresh water during your activity, as this will keep you hydrated, and help flush any toxins from your body
Rule 2: # Eat plenty of fresh green vegetables, preferably organic. To ensure that you are getting sufficient quantity of iron in your diet which will help you conceive, do eat some spinach as well as broccoli and cabbage. Fresh fruit is another essential, All in all try and achieve at least your '5' a day of fruit and veg. in your diet.
Rule 3: # Avoid alcohol if you can as this could harm your baby. Avoid smoking also. If you do smoke, get some help in trying to quit fromyour local pharmacy or physician. These will increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly and easily.
Rule 4: # Understand the best times of the month to conceive. This is when you are ovulating. These times vary from person to person, but generally ovulation occurs two weeks before your next period. To keep a track of these times do start keeping a diary of your periods.
The physical signs are a thinning of your cervical discharge, this is an obvious sign that ovulation is at it's peak.
During this time, try and have sex every48 hours at least, to ensure that the sperm can fertilize the egg that you have produced.
Rule 5: # After sex do try and relax in the horizontal position as this facilitates the journey of the sperm in your body. Try not to let the sperm escape from your body. It helps if you can place pillow under your buttocks.
If you really want to get pregnant the fast and easy way go to:
Why is that some women can conceive so easily whilst others are unable to get pregnant, even when it is their hearts desire.
There are some well laid out rules and techniques to increase fertility to enable them to get pregnant quickly and easily.
Rule 1: # Become fitter. Try and take plenty of exercise in the fresh air. By walking and even jogging. The idea is to increase your heart rate with sufficient effort to raise your heart rate.
If you are overweight then try swimming or cycling this is preferable as these types of exercise are not so hard on your knee and hip joints.
Do drink plenty of fresh water during your activity, as this will keep you hydrated, and help flush any toxins from your body
Rule 2: # Eat plenty of fresh green vegetables, preferably organic. To ensure that you are getting sufficient quantity of iron in your diet which will help you conceive, do eat some spinach as well as broccoli and cabbage. Fresh fruit is another essential, All in all try and achieve at least your '5' a day of fruit and veg. in your diet.
Rule 3: # Avoid alcohol if you can as this could harm your baby. Avoid smoking also. If you do smoke, get some help in trying to quit fromyour local pharmacy or physician. These will increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly and easily.
Rule 4: # Understand the best times of the month to conceive. This is when you are ovulating. These times vary from person to person, but generally ovulation occurs two weeks before your next period. To keep a track of these times do start keeping a diary of your periods.
The physical signs are a thinning of your cervical discharge, this is an obvious sign that ovulation is at it's peak.
During this time, try and have sex every48 hours at least, to ensure that the sperm can fertilize the egg that you have produced.
Rule 5: # After sex do try and relax in the horizontal position as this facilitates the journey of the sperm in your body. Try not to let the sperm escape from your body. It helps if you can place pillow under your buttocks.
If you really want to get pregnant the fast and easy way go to: