Wondering what all this affiliate marketing is about? Time to unravel the mystery! When a product or service is developed it costs money and time to promote.
Now this can be quite a daunting task when tackled by yourself.
But imagine if you had ten, twenty or one thousand people all promoting and marketing your product! The incentive for all this promotion is to give a portion of the sales to the marketer who brought in the sale.
This is affiliate marketing.
The whole concept is quite genius.
A promoter pays a commission to anyone who sends a sale their way.
The promoter leverages people from all walks of like with all different backgrounds.
Imagine all the creative ways to market a product one hundred different people can think of? As the affiliate, you will see ups and downs.
There is a steep learning curve, but if you continue to educate yourself and work at it, it is possible to make a living with affiliate marketing.
One way to get a leg up on the competition is to understand the advantages of being an affiliate marketer.
1 - Cheap! All you have to do to get started is sign-up! Where as with most home business there is some start-up costs involved.
Not so with affiliate marketing.
Find a program or service you like and start making money that day.
2 - No Inventory.
This helps keep costs extremely low.
Especially when first starting out.
Buying and promoting inventory is stressful.
When you don't have to purchase anything upfront before making money, it makes it easier on the marketer.
3 - Make as Much Money as You Want! Well, kind of.
With affiliate marketing your income is not based on the hours you work.
What you make is dependent on the amount you sell.
Leverage the marketing power of others.
Have affiliates under you who drive traffic to your sales page.
Sure you'll pay a bit to the affiliates, but think of how many more sales you'll have! 4 - The Marketplace is Endless! Affiliate marketing is done on the computer, or more accurately the Internet.
The Internet is a global marketplace.
You can reach China just as easily as California.
Use this tool to your advantage.
5 - Low Risk Who wants to invest hundreds or thousands in product to just have it sit in the closet? No one.
Affiliate marketing is gaining in popularity for this one reason alone.
A person can get involved promoting goods and services with minimal investment in product or marketing.
These reasons are sound, and are proven advantages to affiliate marketing.
But, don't just pick the first product that looks nice.
Take the time to research and promote a product that you can stick with for the long haul.
Now this can be quite a daunting task when tackled by yourself.
But imagine if you had ten, twenty or one thousand people all promoting and marketing your product! The incentive for all this promotion is to give a portion of the sales to the marketer who brought in the sale.
This is affiliate marketing.
The whole concept is quite genius.
A promoter pays a commission to anyone who sends a sale their way.
The promoter leverages people from all walks of like with all different backgrounds.
Imagine all the creative ways to market a product one hundred different people can think of? As the affiliate, you will see ups and downs.
There is a steep learning curve, but if you continue to educate yourself and work at it, it is possible to make a living with affiliate marketing.
One way to get a leg up on the competition is to understand the advantages of being an affiliate marketer.
1 - Cheap! All you have to do to get started is sign-up! Where as with most home business there is some start-up costs involved.
Not so with affiliate marketing.
Find a program or service you like and start making money that day.
2 - No Inventory.
This helps keep costs extremely low.
Especially when first starting out.
Buying and promoting inventory is stressful.
When you don't have to purchase anything upfront before making money, it makes it easier on the marketer.
3 - Make as Much Money as You Want! Well, kind of.
With affiliate marketing your income is not based on the hours you work.
What you make is dependent on the amount you sell.
Leverage the marketing power of others.
Have affiliates under you who drive traffic to your sales page.
Sure you'll pay a bit to the affiliates, but think of how many more sales you'll have! 4 - The Marketplace is Endless! Affiliate marketing is done on the computer, or more accurately the Internet.
The Internet is a global marketplace.
You can reach China just as easily as California.
Use this tool to your advantage.
5 - Low Risk Who wants to invest hundreds or thousands in product to just have it sit in the closet? No one.
Affiliate marketing is gaining in popularity for this one reason alone.
A person can get involved promoting goods and services with minimal investment in product or marketing.
These reasons are sound, and are proven advantages to affiliate marketing.
But, don't just pick the first product that looks nice.
Take the time to research and promote a product that you can stick with for the long haul.