Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Drug Rehab Can Help Raise Poor Self-Esteem That Led To Addiction

Many people correctly assume that becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol can lead to a loss of self-esteem.
But the fact is that many addicts' low self-worth actually plays a part in their becoming substance abusers in the first place.
The fact of addiction only serves to make matters worse.
To overcome all the factors involved in addiction, an addict needs to choose a thorough drug rehab program that really digs into their life.
Self-esteem is a very personal, complex human need.
This derives from everything that we think, feel and do in life.
We judge ourselves by our thoughts, actions and reactions, and our verdict is carried out on our sense of it.
It tells us whether we are competent or incompetent, and whether or not we deserve to be happy.
This is powerful stuff.
It's what drives people to success or failure.
Loss of it can drive people to drug addiction.
Only drug rehab, when it is the right drug rehab, can get it back.
Self-knowledge and it are the pay-off from a drug rehab program that really works.
With the return of self-esteem comes recovery from addiction, and recovery adds to self-esteem.
They go hand-in-hand.
Low self-esteem is not just experienced by "losers" in life.
It can often be seriously lacking in apparent "winners", much to the surprise of others.
Just look at all the movie, rock and sports stars entering drug rehab by the dozens recently.
This tells us that success and a million dollars don't buy happiness.
And obviously, money, fame and good looks don't guarantee it.
What fans often don't keep in mind is that even superstars are still just people with the same kinds of problems we all have.
And most people also don't realize that fame attracts people who are ready to cut them down like moths to a flame.
Unfortunately, our self-esteem can be influenced not only by our own thoughts and deeds, but also by the words and actions of others - some of whom don't have our best interests at heart.
Some people build us up, but there are others who specialize in tearing us down.
And stars are often surrounded by such negative people.
Whether your failures and shortcomings are real, imagined, or planted there by someone you should learn to avoid, they are among your most complex and important feelings.
They are yours alone to contemplate, confirm, deny, condemn or accept.
When you "buy into" enough of them, they can blow your self-esteem into the weeds.
For some people, the solution is escape into alcohol or drugs, and many of them become addicts.
The real solution is a drug rehab program that restores self esteem.
A good drug rehab program can help you cut all the way through to the basics - the times and places in your life when you, or someone else, scorned or belittled your abilities and your right to be happy.
Everyone has the right to be happy - it's even in the constitution! Don't let drugs and alcohol ruin your life and lower your self-esteem any longer.
A drug rehab counselor can help you find a successful drug rehab program that will return yours, and a life free from alcohol and drugs.
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