I have an important question for you, are you lovable? As I've written many times before you have to WIN someone's love.
I repeat, love is never given to you, you MUST win it.
And it is impossible for you to be loved if you aren't lovable.
Let me explain...
Many times when men and women are first in a relationship they try their best to win the love and affection of the person they are dating.
They both try to look their best, act their best, be on their best behavior, be as funny and entertaining as possible, and generally try to BE THEIR BEST for the other person.
This is what causes people to fall in love and the reason is that both people are wining each other's love and at the same time they are both lovable.
You can only be lovable if you are at your best for your partner.
If you are not try to be at your best with your significant other anymore than you are failing to win their love.
They might still have affection for you and feel very comfortable around you, but that is not the same as really being in love with you.
Is this how you are feeling right now? Or do you think your boyfriend/girlfriend might be feeling this way about you? If you landed at this blog I'd say the chances are pretty good that this is true in your life.
So what you can do about it? How can you get back those feelings that you had for each other when you were first together? The answer is a simple one and is advice that I got from my grandmother who was married and deeply in love with my grandfather for over 40 years before he passed away.
NEVER STOP DATING! That's it, pretty simple right? She told me that the secret to their long lasting love was that they each never took each other for granted.
They both always tried to win the other's love and they were the happiest couple I've ever seen.
The last question is where do you start?
I repeat, love is never given to you, you MUST win it.
And it is impossible for you to be loved if you aren't lovable.
Let me explain...
Many times when men and women are first in a relationship they try their best to win the love and affection of the person they are dating.
They both try to look their best, act their best, be on their best behavior, be as funny and entertaining as possible, and generally try to BE THEIR BEST for the other person.
This is what causes people to fall in love and the reason is that both people are wining each other's love and at the same time they are both lovable.
You can only be lovable if you are at your best for your partner.
If you are not try to be at your best with your significant other anymore than you are failing to win their love.
They might still have affection for you and feel very comfortable around you, but that is not the same as really being in love with you.
Is this how you are feeling right now? Or do you think your boyfriend/girlfriend might be feeling this way about you? If you landed at this blog I'd say the chances are pretty good that this is true in your life.
So what you can do about it? How can you get back those feelings that you had for each other when you were first together? The answer is a simple one and is advice that I got from my grandmother who was married and deeply in love with my grandfather for over 40 years before he passed away.
NEVER STOP DATING! That's it, pretty simple right? She told me that the secret to their long lasting love was that they each never took each other for granted.
They both always tried to win the other's love and they were the happiest couple I've ever seen.
The last question is where do you start?