Do you suffer from acne ?..
I will presume that because you're reading this article that you are a fellow acne sufferer.
Acne is a common skin problem for most teens and many adults.
It is a horrible condition and can cause distress to anyone who suffers from it.
We won't dwell too much on the causes of acne because I presume all you want to know is how to get rid of acne, right ? Acne occurs when the skin's follicles become blocked resulting in a whole host of nasties such as blackheads and whiteheads, and even if you do get rid of them, you are often left with unsightly scarring.
Acne generally appears on the face, chest and shoulders, but may also occur on the back, arms, legs, and buttocks.
Why some people get acne and some don't is not fully understood, some believe it runs in the family yet others believe it's down to diet, keeping your skin clean and your lifestyle.
The first thing you must do is check out your diet, your washing habits and your family members to see whether or not you can see any connections.
There are many myths surrounding the subject of acne.
One myth is that acne is a result of dirty skin, but this is not the case.
If acne was just due to dirty skin, then why haven't all the workers in this world who do a dirty job such as coal miners got acne ? Acne is caused by a combination of over-production of skin oil, excess dead skin cells and bacteria.
Could it be your diet? ...
do suspect that your diet maybe the cause? ...
do you eat greasy junk food? ...
if you have any doubts then try a healthier diet of fruit and vegetables, and even if it doesn't clear up it will certainly make you feel better, that make sense doesn't it? Food affects people differently, so all you can do is change your diet and see if you can see any improvements to your own condition.
Cut out sugar, fat and cut down on dairy products and get more exercise, preferably in the fresh air.
So what about medications to treat your acne? There are many over the counter medicines that people take for acne, but do they work, and what side effects do they have ? Most of the acne medicines contain benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics which can cause skin irritation, and the oral medicines that are on the market can cause stomach upsets, so please consult your doctor if you are in any doubts at all.
Discuss with your doctor if you notice any rashes on the skin, or any stomach problems, and seek an alternative medicine.
So what can we do ? Although it's not a cure, it will help to keep your acne under control if you use a combination of the points already mentioned, diet, exercise and hygiene.
There are also herbal remedies which will help, but as we've already mentioned it's not a cure, it will only give you short term relief.
At this point you might be feeling a bit low, please don't, there are now new ways to help you get rid of acne fast.
To find out how you can tackle this problem once and for all, please visit our site.
Thank you for reading this article.
I will presume that because you're reading this article that you are a fellow acne sufferer.
Acne is a common skin problem for most teens and many adults.
It is a horrible condition and can cause distress to anyone who suffers from it.
We won't dwell too much on the causes of acne because I presume all you want to know is how to get rid of acne, right ? Acne occurs when the skin's follicles become blocked resulting in a whole host of nasties such as blackheads and whiteheads, and even if you do get rid of them, you are often left with unsightly scarring.
Acne generally appears on the face, chest and shoulders, but may also occur on the back, arms, legs, and buttocks.
Why some people get acne and some don't is not fully understood, some believe it runs in the family yet others believe it's down to diet, keeping your skin clean and your lifestyle.
The first thing you must do is check out your diet, your washing habits and your family members to see whether or not you can see any connections.
There are many myths surrounding the subject of acne.
One myth is that acne is a result of dirty skin, but this is not the case.
If acne was just due to dirty skin, then why haven't all the workers in this world who do a dirty job such as coal miners got acne ? Acne is caused by a combination of over-production of skin oil, excess dead skin cells and bacteria.
Could it be your diet? ...
do suspect that your diet maybe the cause? ...
do you eat greasy junk food? ...
if you have any doubts then try a healthier diet of fruit and vegetables, and even if it doesn't clear up it will certainly make you feel better, that make sense doesn't it? Food affects people differently, so all you can do is change your diet and see if you can see any improvements to your own condition.
Cut out sugar, fat and cut down on dairy products and get more exercise, preferably in the fresh air.
So what about medications to treat your acne? There are many over the counter medicines that people take for acne, but do they work, and what side effects do they have ? Most of the acne medicines contain benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics which can cause skin irritation, and the oral medicines that are on the market can cause stomach upsets, so please consult your doctor if you are in any doubts at all.
Discuss with your doctor if you notice any rashes on the skin, or any stomach problems, and seek an alternative medicine.
So what can we do ? Although it's not a cure, it will help to keep your acne under control if you use a combination of the points already mentioned, diet, exercise and hygiene.
There are also herbal remedies which will help, but as we've already mentioned it's not a cure, it will only give you short term relief.
At this point you might be feeling a bit low, please don't, there are now new ways to help you get rid of acne fast.
To find out how you can tackle this problem once and for all, please visit our site.
Thank you for reading this article.