The ideal society: rule of God and direct democracy: referendums! Part II
Normal humans do not aspire for power and do not want to have control over others. They abhor dictating their opinions upon others and refrain from commanding them to do what they want others to do. They have respect for themselves and respect for others. They value others and regard with worthiness and reverence to all humans. They are normal people. They are not out to satisfy any of their inferior or superior complexes for the simple reason they do not have any of these complexes.
They appreciate your opinion and they respect you as a human. Your value is important for them just as their own value. In this lies the whole difference between those who want to dominate and those who do not want to dominate others.
Normal human beings do not have the desire to control your actions nor your thoughts. They do not consider themselves better than you are. They consider all humans on equal footing. This is the basic cornerstone of direct democracy.
But those who have inferiority complexes they disguise it with an artificial superiority complexes. In order to satisfy their complexes they are in need for dictating their opinions. They have psychological lack of self-respect and hence lack for respect for others. They think they are superior and they are not.
They are little rats and stinking cockroaches. They want to be humans but they are inhumans. They have no mercy for you and no mercy for others. They are ruthless and do anything to get to a position of power and dominance. Normal people, healthy people do not even think for one second to control others and decide for others. They consider others like themselves, sharing equally in the bounty of God, in the oxygen that providence has provided for them.
But those who want to control, they seek the position of power and manipulate power to the extremity of self-vanity and self-arrogance. They are sick in the mind and sick in the soul. They nourish on you and on everyone who gives the slightest chance to mount their back.
These are abnormal scums of the society. It is this cancer that should be eliminated and wiped out from amongst societies. They are the most dangerous of beasts.
They do not see others but regard them as a ladder to mount their backs looking for self-glory and self-deification. Caligula, Nero, Julius Caesar, Pharaohs before and all kings, sultans and presidents chiefs and leaders, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Truman, and now the shitty generation of little rats, like Obama, Cameron ( Tony Blair before him came from behind the local bar joint to 10 Downing Street),Sarkozy, Merkel, Putin and Jintao, not to forget little cockroaches like Kaddhafi, Bin Ali, Mubarak, and all sick kings and sultans, emirs and other parasites.
They lack in their persons the human element. They lack any normality of character and normality of personality. They are disequilibrated bastards, nourishing on their people for power, control, fame and glory.
Where are the people? Are not the people the legitimate owners of the right to decide their own affairs? Where is God in all this? He who has created the seven billions of wretched humans!
Normal humans do not aspire for power and do not want to have control over others. They abhor dictating their opinions upon others and refrain from commanding them to do what they want others to do. They have respect for themselves and respect for others. They value others and regard with worthiness and reverence to all humans. They are normal people. They are not out to satisfy any of their inferior or superior complexes for the simple reason they do not have any of these complexes.
They appreciate your opinion and they respect you as a human. Your value is important for them just as their own value. In this lies the whole difference between those who want to dominate and those who do not want to dominate others.
Normal human beings do not have the desire to control your actions nor your thoughts. They do not consider themselves better than you are. They consider all humans on equal footing. This is the basic cornerstone of direct democracy.
But those who have inferiority complexes they disguise it with an artificial superiority complexes. In order to satisfy their complexes they are in need for dictating their opinions. They have psychological lack of self-respect and hence lack for respect for others. They think they are superior and they are not.
They are little rats and stinking cockroaches. They want to be humans but they are inhumans. They have no mercy for you and no mercy for others. They are ruthless and do anything to get to a position of power and dominance. Normal people, healthy people do not even think for one second to control others and decide for others. They consider others like themselves, sharing equally in the bounty of God, in the oxygen that providence has provided for them.
But those who want to control, they seek the position of power and manipulate power to the extremity of self-vanity and self-arrogance. They are sick in the mind and sick in the soul. They nourish on you and on everyone who gives the slightest chance to mount their back.
These are abnormal scums of the society. It is this cancer that should be eliminated and wiped out from amongst societies. They are the most dangerous of beasts.
They do not see others but regard them as a ladder to mount their backs looking for self-glory and self-deification. Caligula, Nero, Julius Caesar, Pharaohs before and all kings, sultans and presidents chiefs and leaders, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Truman, and now the shitty generation of little rats, like Obama, Cameron ( Tony Blair before him came from behind the local bar joint to 10 Downing Street),Sarkozy, Merkel, Putin and Jintao, not to forget little cockroaches like Kaddhafi, Bin Ali, Mubarak, and all sick kings and sultans, emirs and other parasites.
They lack in their persons the human element. They lack any normality of character and normality of personality. They are disequilibrated bastards, nourishing on their people for power, control, fame and glory.
Where are the people? Are not the people the legitimate owners of the right to decide their own affairs? Where is God in all this? He who has created the seven billions of wretched humans!