Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Cures For Morning Sickness - Which One Should You Choose?

Learning you are pregnant is often the dream that many women yearn for.
The excitement of telling family and friends the wonderful news.
The planning ahead and preparing the nursery.
And then, utter and absolute misery as morning sickness strikes.
Becoming nauseous is almost inevitable for most pregnant women.
Although the figures are unclear it is said that between 50% and 90% of expecting females will feel ill.
Not all women actually vomit but even the constant sensation of queasiness or bouts of nausea at the sight or smell of cooking is debilitating.
There is no hard and fast rule when the problem may strike.
Every pregnancy is different and unique.
As such it might begin very quickly after conception.
More typically it will begin around the four to six weeks mark and end by the sixteen weeks stage.
It is quite understandable that anyone in this position will crave an end to it and go seeking cures for morning sickness.
Many remedies have been used and promoted for decades, even centuries.
Traditional cures for morning sickness include eating food containing ginger, dry crackers, bland foods or any flavor of mint.
While the sight or particularly the smell of food is often a trigger, relief can be had through certain herbs.
These herbs may be taken as a preparation or for some varieties in the form of calming aromatic relief such as lavender.
Of course a physician can prescribe effective drugs that can ease the misery.
This route though is not always one that many mothers to be want to take.
The thought of the effect of taking powerful drugs on the developing child can be worrying.
In which case many may take a completely different path that avoids any possible risks of harmful substances altogether.
Such cures rely solely on natural solutions.
These can take the form of yoga, meditation, breathing techniques and even hypnosis or acupressure.
Because the vast majority of pregnant women aim to maintain optimum health, the choice of natural remedies as cures for morning sickness is a highly desired pick.
Any possible risks or undesirable side effects are eliminated.
In this scenario it would be desirable to opt for an easy course of breathing techniques or self hypnosis.
You may prefer to learn how to meditate or use the very simple system of applying a gentle finger pressure on acupuncture points.
There is ample evidence from users of these techniques that they do work.
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