Definition: (excl) - Warning! Watch out!
Attention ! tu vas tomber. - Be careful, you're going to fall!
Attention à la peinture - Wet paint.
(fem noun) - attention, care, thoughtfulness
Related: faire/prêter attention - to pay attention, to be careful (about something), to heed
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ah ta(n) syo(n)]
Attention ! tu vas tomber. - Be careful, you're going to fall!
Attention à la peinture - Wet paint.
(fem noun) - attention, care, thoughtfulness
Related: faire/prêter attention - to pay attention, to be careful (about something), to heed
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ah ta(n) syo(n)]